cf delete-buildpack oracle_jre
Are you sure you want to delete the buildpack oracle_jre ? yesDeleting buildpack oracle_jre...
Error deleting buildpack oracle_jre
Error: timed out waiting for async job 'http://xxxxx/v2/jobs/f21696d1-6ed4-4fd0-bd3c-808f7afb657f' to finish
Delete buildpack 2nd time give similar error but different job guid. Delete 3rd time give error with another async job guid ...
Job f21696d1-6ed4-4fd0-bd3c-808f7afb657f is in queue but never got executed.
$ cf curl /v2/jobs/f21696d1-6ed4-4fd0-bd3c-808f7afb657f
"metadata": {
"guid": "f21696d1-6ed4-4fd0-bd3c-808f7afb657f",
"created_at": "2014-07-07T20:36:40+00:00",
"url": "/v2/jobs/f21696d1-6ed4-4fd0-bd3c-808f7afb657f"
"entity": {
"guid": "f21696d1-6ed4-4fd0-bd3c-808f7afb657f",
"status": "queued"
Any suggestion on how to delete the buildpack?
We used CLI v6.2.0 and CF version is 158. But we still get the same timeout error when deleting buildpack.
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cf curl /v2/buildpacks/63a2d890-f569-4f63-bd65-a91faa2d895e?aysnc=false –X ‘DELETE’
to delete buildpack, async job is still in the queue. Can this approach cause any issue?
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