Java Build Pack - Deploy a Java Project in Tomcat with JAAS security

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César Arratia

Jul 8, 2014, 1:11:12 PM7/8/14
Hello everyone.

I'm trying to deploy a Java application that uses JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service) in a Tomcat container.
There are three things that are not easy for a newbe like me.

1) Change server.xml to add the JAAS Realm and the name of the two classes (users and roles) -> Done with a fork of the buildpack where i've changed the server.xml
2) Add the two classes referenced before to the tomcat_home/lib directory.
3) Add a custom argument to the java virtual machine start command to reference the jaas.config file ("/PATH/jaas.config"

I suppose this is not difficult but the java buildpack in ruby is a bit overwhelming for me.

Thanks for your help


Jul 8, 2014, 1:49:34 PM7/8/14
You would have to tweak the server classpath to load your classes ahead of tomcat's libs/jars.

The last one custom arg can be achieved by setting env variable JAVA_OPTS to refer to any additional jvm args or other such settings and then doing the push again for the variable to take effect.

cf set-env app JAVA_OPTS "'/PATH/jaas.config'... "
cf push app


César Arratia

Jul 8, 2014, 2:57:44 PM7/8/14
First of all, thanks very much for your answer.

I've tried the jaas.config part and it works (i don't know how to use the HOME variable there but its Ok i set the full path)

I don't know how to tweak the classpath. In what file is it? How can i add a jar file outside my web-app and how can i reference it in the classpath?

I'm feeling a little dumb with these questions but all is new for me.



Jul 9, 2014, 10:47:36 AM7/9/14
By default, the HOME variable would be /home/vcap in the runtime container.

You would have to tweak the classpath setting inside the script (under app/.java-buildpack/tomcat/bin/ or the
You can either create a link or copy the jar file from your webapp to another location and refer to it ahead of the tomcat classes. This would be lot more work.


you can include the env variable JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS to have additional setting that would point to your jar file (i believe endorsed would get loaded ahead of the classpath setting).
By default, tomcat script sets the endorsed dirs to be :

You can set it to be:


and call set-env just like for JAVA_OPTS

cf set-env app JAVA_OPTS "'/PATH/jaas.config'... "
cf set-env app JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS "$HOME/app/WEB-INF/lib/myUtility.jar:$HOME/app/.java-buildpack/tomcat/endorsed"

and then re-push the app.


César Arratia

Jul 9, 2014, 1:40:27 PM7/9/14
Thank you Sabha for your elaborated answer!

I tried the second aproximation becouse it looks easier and... IT WORKS!

Just to learn a little more:
How can i tweak a file that is not in the java buildpack? Can i copy it in the resources folder (ava-buildpack/resources/tomcat/ )and it gets copied when i push the app? I tell it becouse you say that i can change the and files but i can't see them. The java buildpack downloads Tomcat from the download.pivotal... repo and i can't change those files.

And another little question is, why the home variable points to "HOME=/home/vcap/app" when i execute "cf files app logs/env.log" but i must set the paths supposing that the HOME variable points to "/home/vcap"? I've tried with HOME=/home/vcap/app and it doesn't work

Thank you again

César Arratia

Jul 9, 2014, 1:51:11 PM7/9/14
Just to clarify the second question:
when i wirte "cf files app logs/env.log" i get HOME=/home/vcap/app

but to get a working environment i must set the variables:
JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS: $HOME/.java-buildpack/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib:$HOME/.java-buildpack/tomcat/endorsed

It is strange that form JAVA_ENDORSED $HOME is /home/vcap/app and form JAVA_OPTS is /home/vcap


Jul 9, 2014, 2:04:57 PM7/9/14
Hi Cesar,

 Glad the env-variable approach works. 

I am sorry for the confusion regarding the $HOME variable - should have verified it.
Probably safer for you to just point to the full path /home/vcap/app/.java... rather than depending on variable names. 

Wrt to the JAVA_OPTS using a different $HOME vs external env, I dont know if the container variable is differently populated but safer to just go with /home/vcap/.. whatever path you want.

Yes, wrt to the tomcat libs, you dont have the option to update the jars directly as they get downloaded from the pivotal s3 bucket, unless you fork the buildpack and add steps to either update the jar file yourself (after it got downloaded) as part of the compile step or add additional stuff as part of the classpath setup. 

Probably you are better off with the set-env variable for now.


César Arratia

Jul 9, 2014, 2:09:57 PM7/9/14
Yes. I would love to understand the JavaBuildPack better but it takes a lot of time. I stay with your approach but it would be superb to customize Tomcat server easily just like you do it locally.

Thanks Sabha
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