Hi Team,
I followed this doc to set up the Production cluster of CF in AWS VPC
http://docs.cloudfoundry.org/deploying/ec2/bootstrap-aws-vpc.htmlThe setup was successful and when i do the bosh vms , I could see that all the instances are running.
But when i try to bosh ssh into any of the instances it fails with connection timed out
[root@ip-10-7-140-111 micro]# bundle exec bosh ssh
1. nats_z2/0
2. uaa_z1/0
3. api_z1/0
4. clock_global/0
5. api_worker_z1/0
6. etcd_z1/0
7. etcd_z1/1
8. hm9000_z1/0
9. runner_z1/0
10. loggregator_z1/0
11. loggregator_trafficcontroller_z1/0
12. router_z1/0
13. acceptance_tests/0
14. smoke_tests/0
Choose an instance: 1
Enter password (use it to sudo on remote host): *****
Target deployment is `cf'
Setting up ssh artifacts
Director task 12
Task 12 done
Starting interactive shell on job nats_z2/0
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
Cleaning up ssh artifacts
Director task 13
Task 13 done I tried CF with EC2 Server alone, where I was able to ssh without any issues, but when i set it up in VPC it fails.
Am I missing any other parameter ? Could someone help this out?