I saw this on my system too, a workaround is to modify the directory_server in jobs/dea_next/config/dea.yml:
protocol: "https"
protocol: "http"
STSM | Standards Architect | IBM Software Group
(919) 254-6905 | IBM 444-6905 | d...@us.ibm.com
The more I'm around some people, the more I like my dog.
Orson ---08/22/2013 08:32:53 AM---Some additional information, for clarity: That URL is returned as one of the Response Headers (x-app
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435 uaa:
436 port: 443
437 no_ssl: false
439 require_https: true
441 dump_requests: true
442 # Use postgres (see line 12 in the file referenced below)
443 # https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cf-release/blob/master/jobs/uaa/templates/uaa.yml.erb
444 spring_profiles: postgresql
445 url: https://uaa.ourclouddomain.net
446 token:
447 url: https://uaa.ourclouddomain.net/oauth/token
448 login:
449 url: https://uaa.ourclouddomain.net/login.do
450 resource_id: account_manager
451 batch:
452 username: uaabatchuser
453 password: uaabatchpassword