We would like to announce the release of Cloud Foundry for Eclipse 1.6.0.
The plug-in can be installed through the Eclipse marketplace or "Extensions" tab in the Spring Tool Suite (STS) dashboard, or using the following update site in Help -> Install New Software
menu in Eclipse/STS:
http://dist.springsource.com/release/TOOLS/cloudfoundryWe have also moved the Cloud Foundry Eclipse github repository from SpringSource to cloudfoundry. The new URL is:
https://github.com/cloudfoundry/eclipse-integration-cloudfoundryIn addition we are in the process of re-licensing the Eclipse plugin to Apache. The re-licensing will be complete in the next release of Cloud Foundry Eclipse.
We also have a new discussion forum for Cloud Foundry Eclipse. Please post any questions or comments to this forum:
https://groups.google.com/a/cloudfoundry.org/forum/#!forum/cf-eclipseSome of the changes in 1.6.0 include:
1. Spring Boot support:
- In the Project Explorer, right-click on your Spring Boot project, and select Configure -> Enable as Cloud Foundry App.
- Then simply drag and drop the Spring Boot app to your Cloud Foundry server instance.
2. Servers using self-signed certificates:
- Many private cloud deployments rely on self-signed certificates. Starting this release, we support such configurations.
- When creating a new Cloud Foundry server through the Eclipse Servers wizard, if self-signed certificate is detected for a cloud URL, the user will be prompted whether to proceed. If so,
the decision will be persisted as a preference for that URL for any future server instance creation and interactions using that URL, including cloning a server instance to another org/space.
3. Application environment variables:
- Users can now specify environment variables both in the application deployment wizard, or edit them after an application is deployed through the Cloud Foundry server editor.
4. Free-form application memory choices:
- We've removed the restriction on application memory choices. Now users can specify any memory choice for applications in MB. For example: 359, 1230, etc..
5. Console enhancements:
- The Cloud Foundry console now displays progress when pushing, starting or stopping an application. The application log files can now be more easily streamed to the console by right-clicking on the application in the Servers view, and selecting "Show Console".
Thank you.