Working VSphere stemcell and CF release pair

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Troy Astle

Aug 27, 2013, 2:52:29 PM8/27/13
Hi all,

I've been working for a week or so to get CF deployed on VSphere. I am fairly happy that my Bosh install is solid (bosh version BOSH 1.5.0.pre.870).
I have been have been trying to find a working stemcell and CF release pair to run with it.

The most recent CF builds (cf-137 and cf-138) have both had issues with the login service. It fails to start on VSphere VMs (Spring errors on startup, appears to be a bad build) using the VSphere Stemcell 0.8.0.
I have also tried a couple of the 'latest' VSphere stemcells from the Jenkins builds, these have resulted is issues deploying CF:

tastle@ubuntu-server-x8664 G=master cf137 $ bosh deploy
Getting deployment properties from director...
Compiling deployment manifest...
Please review all changes carefully
Deploying `cf.yml' to `your-director' (type 'yes' to continue): yes

Director task 188

Preparing deployment
  binding deployment (00:00:00)
  binding releases (00:00:00)
  binding existing deployment (00:00:00)
  binding resource pools (00:00:00)
  binding stemcells (00:00:00)
  binding templates (00:00:00)
  binding properties (00:00:00)
  binding unallocated VMs (00:00:00)
  binding instance networks (00:00:00)
Done                    9/9 00:00:00

Preparing package compilation
  finding packages to compile (00:00:00)
Done                    1/1 00:00:00

Compiling packages
  insight_agent/2: Timed out pinging to f25c8dfc-55c4-4614-a5af-512096b23bf9 after 600 seconds (00:10:19)
  buildpack_cache/2: Timed out pinging to 175720ed-f290-4060-ae37-6aaedf9556c2 after 600 seconds (00:10:21)
  rootfs_lucid64/1: Timed out pinging to 83242b57-f360-4116-b458-514c0c4b91ee after 600 seconds (00:10:22)
  sqlite/3: Timed out pinging to 547e7079-fe6f-40bd-8e84-86918ed55b07 after 600 seconds (00:10:23)
  nginx/9: Timed out pinging to f02bfabd-7238-4f5f-9e65-105cffed6594 after 600 seconds (00:10:28)
  golang/2: Timed out pinging to dd91fca9-255c-4be7-a839-e2ffcb4dba2a after 600 seconds (00:10:32)
Error                   6/23 00:10:32

Error 450002: Timed out pinging to f25c8dfc-55c4-4614-a5af-512096b23bf9 after 600 seconds

Task 188 error
The underlying issue is the VM failing to bring up networking after it is deployed by Bosh.

Having tried a few combinations. I am wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of a working VSphere Stemcell / CF-release pair.
If you could provide the version of Bosh you used to deploy that would also be very useful.

I understand that these build are tested by Pivotal on AWS and should work on that platform however I am having no joy with them on VSphere.
It would be great to hear from anyone using Bosh on VSphere to know what versions of build artefacts you are deploying. 

Thanks for your help.

Troy Astle

Aug 29, 2013, 2:28:03 PM8/29/13
In case anyone else hits this:

Having done the following:
 - remove the login service from my cf.yml 
 - fix some erroneous properties applied to the uaa

I am now able to get cf-138  (from the master branch) running on top of the public stemcell 0.8.0
I am working my way through more issues deploying apps but I thought someone else might find this info useful.


Oct 29, 2013, 10:04:33 AM10/29/13
Hey Troy can you post your manifest file ??
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