Trying to deploy a release build from the current cf-release repo

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Troy Astle

Aug 12, 2013, 5:12:44 PM8/12/13
Hi All,

I'm very new here so apologies if this question covers old ground for the group.

I am trying to deploy a cf release built from the current release-candidate branch of the cf-release repo using the following steps:

$ cd cf-release
$ git fetch 
$ git checkout -b release-candidate origin/release-candidate
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ bosh create release

The release builds OK and I have then deployed it to my bosh instance to attempt to deploy Cloud Foundry.
The issue I am then seeing is that my VMs start up (on VSphere) but then the pings to those VMs time out.

The manifest I am using is based of the example here:

Reading the logs on the VM I see this errror:
... `merge!': can't convert nil into Hash (TypeError)

We had a similar error yesterday trying to deploy BOSH using MicroBOSH which was resolved by updating to the latest VSphere Stemcell from here:

1) Is there a record anywhere of which CF releases I can deploy onto which Stemcells?
2) Can someone point me to a more up-to-date cloud foundry manifest to work with to deploy from the current release.

Thanks all.
Again apologies if this is going over old ground.


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