microbosh error creating disk on vsphere

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Ashish Shrestha

Apr 8, 2015, 10:50:11 AM4/8/15
to bosh-...@cloudfoundry.org

I am trying to deploy microbosh on vSphere.

It fails when it is tries to create disk. Got the console output below. Is this a permission issue? I have all priviledges at data centre level.

Stemcell info
Name:    bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent
Version: 2905

  Started deploy micro bosh
  Started deploy micro bosh > Unpacking stemcell. Done (00:00:12)
  Started deploy micro bosh > Uploading stemcellat depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
. Done (00:14:22)
  Started deploy micro bosh > Creating VM from sc-80374d2b-656b-4bdd-a36f-5fcd04174fd7at depth 0 - 20: unable
to get local issuer certificate
at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
. Done (00:38:42)
  Started deploy micro bosh > Waiting for the agentat depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
. Done (00:02:12)
  Started deploy micro bosh > Updating persistent disk
  Started deploy micro bosh > Create diskat depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
/home/ashish/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/gems/bosh_vsphere_cpi-1.2905.0/lib/cloud/vsphere/cloud_searcher.rb:47:in `block in
get_properties': The object[s] [#<VimSdk::Vim::Task:0x00000004497f60 (RuntimeError)
 should have the following properties: ["info.progress", "info.state", "info.result", "info.error"]
, but they were missing these: #<Set: {"info.state"}>
/home/ashish/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/gems/bosh_vsphere_cpi-1.2905.0/lib/cloud/vsphere/cloud_searcher.rb:33:in `each'


I am using bosh version 1.2905.0

bosh-core (1.2905.0)
bosh-director-core (1.2905.0)
bosh-registry (1.2905.0)
bosh-stemcell (1.2905.0)
bosh-template (1.2905.0)
bosh_aws_cpi (1.2905.0)
bosh_cli (1.2905.0)
bosh_cli_plugin_micro (1.2905.0)
bosh_common (1.2905.0)
bosh_cpi (1.2905.0)
bosh_openstack_cpi (1.2905.0)
bosh_vcloud_cpi (0.7.2)
bosh_vsphere_cpi (1.2905.0)

and using vsphere stemcell 2905

bosh micro status
Stemcell CID   sc-80374d2b-656b-4bdd-a36f-5fcd04174fd7
Stemcell name  bosh-stemcell-2905-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent
VM CID         vm-04e33be9-7bc2-4f4a-88dd-bbd234404cb1
Disk CID       n/a
Micro BOSH CID bm-567f7ac3-c19f-4d20-a577-ccbb9229eb73
Deployment     /home/ashish/workspace/cf/micro/manifest.yml

I have attached the manifest.yml and the bosh deploy log.

Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 8, 2015, 12:12:04 PM4/8/15
to bosh-...@cloudfoundry.org
Hi Ashish,
               Try to increase the Disk as well as Persistent Disk on the manifest file.. Hope it will help you..

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Dmitriy Kalinin

Apr 8, 2015, 1:00:58 PM4/8/15
to bosh-...@cloudfoundry.org
Per this thread: https://groups.google.com/a/cloudfoundry.org/forum/#!topic/bosh-users/EjPWWtM4pEE you need to have System.View on vcenter server level so that BOSH can move persistent disks around the datastores. This was a recent change.

Ashish Shrestha

Apr 9, 2015, 5:43:11 AM4/9/15
to bosh-...@cloudfoundry.org
Thank you Dmitriy. Sorry I misread the previous information about needing to have the permission on vcenter server level.

I have now added the permission at vCenter server level and it works.
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