micro bosh deploy issue on vSphere 5.1

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Aug 8, 2013, 7:10:40 PM8/8/13
to bosh-...@cloudfoundry.org

I am deploying latest micro bosh on vSphere 5.1 environment since stable version 0.6.4 gives issue  described here. Deployment is stuck on "waiting for the agent".

bosh@ub1036:~/deployments# bosh micro deploy ~/stemcells/latest-micro-bosh-stemcell-vsphere.tgz 
Deploying new micro BOSH instance `micro/micro_bosh.yml' to `' (type 'yes' to continue): yes

Verifying stemcell...
File exists and readable                                     OK
Using cached manifest...
Stemcell properties                                          OK

Stemcell info
Name:    micro-bosh-stemcell
Version: 877

Deploy Micro BOSH
Unpacking stemcell                  |                        | 0/11 00:00:03  ETA: --:--:--at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
  unpacking stemcell (00:00:03)                                                                     
Uploading stemcell                  |oo                      | 1/11 00:00:12  ETA: 00:00:28at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
  uploading stemcell (00:00:46)                                                                     
Creating VM from...                 |oooo                    | 2/11 00:01:01  ETA: 00:03:32at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
Creating VM from...                 |oooo                    | 2/11 00:01:04  ETA: 00:03:29at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
Creating VM from...                 |oooo                    | 2/11 00:01:05  ETA: 00:03:28at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
  creating VM from sc-93eec9d0-a9c6-4e8b-9feb-592103727755 (00:00:20)                               
Waiting for the agent               |oooooo                  | 3/11 00:02:03  ETA: 00:02:13at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
Waiting for the agent               |oooooo                  | 3/11 00:03:03  ETA: 00:01:12at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
Waiting for the agent               |oooooo                  | 3/11 00:04:03  ETA: 00:00:12at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
Waiting for the agent               |oooooo                  | 3/11 00:05:03  ETA: --:--:--at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
Waiting for the agent               |oooooo                  | 3/11 00:06:03  ETA: --:--:--at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate
Waiting for the agent               |oooooo                  | 3/11 00:07:03  ETA: --:--:--at depth 0 - 20: unable to get local issuer certificate


2013-08-08_22:42:01.61729 #[663] INFO: Starting agent 1.5.0.pre.877...
2013-08-08_22:42:01.61734 #[663] INFO: Configuring agent...
2013-08-08_22:42:01.61934 #[663] INFO: Configuring instance
2013-08-08_22:42:01.62438 #[663] INFO: udevadm: #<Bosh::Exec::Result:0x0000000239e020>
2013-08-08_22:42:04.18673 #[663] INFO: loaded new infrastructure settings: {"vm"=>{"name"=>"vm-bf8ff4f9-ac21-431a-862b-cf51ef7352d8", "id"=>"vm-5328"}, "agent_id"=>"bm-f72a2f73-540b-4b14-814b-3da5e5b014bc", "networks"=>{"bosh"=>{"cloud_properties"=>{"name"=>"VLAN 1040"}, "netmask"=>"", "gateway"=>"", "ip"=>"", "dns"=>["", ""], "type"=>nil, "default"=>["dns", "gateway"], "mac"=>"00:50:56:9f:5c:36"}}, "disks"=>{"system"=>0, "ephemeral"=>1, "persistent"=>{}}, "ntp"=>["pool.ntp.org"], "blobstore"=>{"provider"=>"local", "options"=>{"blobstore_path"=>"/var/vcap/micro_bosh/data/cache"}}, "mbus"=>"https://vcap:b00t...@", "env"=>{"bosh"=>{"password"=>nil}}}
2013-08-08_22:42:04.18725 #[663] INFO: Loaded settings: #<Bosh::Agent::Settings:0x00000002396780 @settings={"vm"=>{"name"=>"vm-bf8ff4f9-ac21-431a-862b-cf51ef7352d8", "id"=>"vm-5328"}, "agent_id"=>"bm-f72a2f73-540b-4b14-814b-3da5e5b014bc", "networks"=>{"bosh"=>{"cloud_properties"=>{"name"=>"VLAN 1040"}, "netmask"=>"", "gateway"=>"", "ip"=>"", "dns"=>["", ""], "type"=>nil, "default"=>["dns", "gateway"], "mac"=>"00:50:56:9f:5c:36"}}, "disks"=>{"system"=>0, "ephemeral"=>1, "persistent"=>{}}, "ntp"=>["pool.ntp.org"], "blobstore"=>{"provider"=>"local", "options"=>{"blobstore_path"=>"/var/vcap/micro_bosh/data/cache"}}, "mbus"=>"https://vcap:b00t...@", "env"=>{"bosh"=>{"password"=>nil}}}, @cache_file="/var/vcap/bosh/settings.json">
2013-08-08_22:42:04.19298 #[663] INFO: Updated networking
2013-08-08_22:42:04.19303 #[663] INFO: Restarting eth0
2013-08-08_22:42:04.22037 #[663] INFO: Restarted networking: network-interface stop/waiting
2013-08-08_22:42:04.22038 network-interface (eth0) start/running
2013-08-08_22:42:04.23342 #[663] INFO: Configure ntp-servers: pool.ntp.org
2013-08-08_22:42:04.23413 #[663] DEBUG: missing file: /var/vcap/bosh/etc/ntpserver
2013-08-08_22:42:04.24102 #[663] INFO: 
2013-08-08_22:42:04.24745 #[663] INFO: Found unformatted drive
2013-08-08_22:42:04.24746 #[663] INFO: Partition /dev/sdb
2013-08-08_22:42:04.25381 Checking that no-one is using this disk right now ...
2013-08-08_22:42:04.25432 OK
2013-08-08_22:42:04.25442 sfdisk: ERROR: sector 0 does not have an msdos signature
2013-08-08_22:42:04.25448  /dev/sdb: unrecognized partition table type
2013-08-08_22:42:04.25451 No partitions found
2013-08-08_22:42:04.25462 Warning: no primary partition is marked bootable (active)
2013-08-08_22:42:04.25463 This does not matter for LILO, but the DOS MBR will not boot this disk.
2013-08-08_22:42:04.29426 If you created or changed a DOS partition, /dev/foo7, say, then use dd(1)
2013-08-08_22:42:04.29427 to zero the first 512 bytes:  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/foo7 bs=512 count=1
2013-08-08_22:42:04.29428 (See fdisk(8).)
2013-08-08_22:42:04.30044 #[663] INFO: Create swap and data partitions
2013-08-08_22:42:04.30928 mke2fs 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)
2013-08-08_22:42:04.99431 #[663] INFO: Swapon partition /dev/sdb1
2013-08-08_22:42:04.99914 #[663] INFO: Mount data partition /dev/sdb2 to /var/vcap/data
2013-08-08_22:42:05.03569 mke2fs 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)
2013-08-08_22:42:05.13562 #[663] INFO: Monit: /var/vcap/bosh/etc/monitrc:8: Warning: include files not found '/var/vcap/monit/job/*.monitrc'
2013-08-08_22:42:05.13586 #[663] INFO: Monit: monit: generated unique Monit id e14d5dbc660eee861f7201cc9b41fdd3 and stored to '/root/.monit.id'
2013-08-08_22:42:05.13609 #[663] INFO: Monit: Starting monit daemon with http interface at []
2013-08-08_22:42:06.13239 #[663] INFO: Monit Service Connection Refused: retrying
2013-08-08_22:42:06.14382 #[663] INFO: Starting up https agent
2013-08-08_22:42:06.24702 #[663] INFO: Message processors: {"migrate_disk"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::MigrateDisk, "list_disk"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::ListDisk, "mount_disk"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::MountDisk, "unmount_disk"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::UnmountDisk, "state"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::State, "drain"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::Drain, "apply"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::Apply, "compile_package"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::CompilePackage, "fetch_logs"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::FetchLogs, "ssh"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::Ssh, "ping"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::Ping, "noop"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::Noop, "start"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::Start, "stop"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::Stop, "prepare_network_change"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::PrepareNetworkChange, "release_apply_spec"=>Bosh::Agent::Message::ReleaseApplySpec}
2013-08-08_22:42:06.39778 >> Thin web server (v1.5.1 codename Straight Razor)
2013-08-08_22:42:06.39781 >> Maximum connections set to 1024
2013-08-08_22:42:06.39784 >> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop


David Williams

Aug 9, 2013, 2:33:30 AM8/9/13
to bosh-...@cloudfoundry.org, kpa...@gopivotal.com
HI Kashyap...quite a few people, including myself, have had the same issue.  See if the suggestions I posted here help:

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