BOSH-Lite on AWS does not start services

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Jul 28, 2014, 10:17:33 AM7/28/14

I have a strange problem:
I want to test deploy my manifests on an AWS instance with BOSH-Lite.
Locally with bosh-lite and vritualbox everything works fine.
When using the vagrant aws provider and trying to deploy my stuff on an AWS instance I get this error:

> Started updating job zookeeper_z1
> Started updating job zookeeper_z1 > zookeeper_z1/0 (canary). Failed: `zookeeper_z1/0' is not running after update (00:01:02)
> Error 400007: `zookeeper_z1/0' is not running after update
> Task 42 error

I have looked at the logs and the JVM says it cannot allocate enough memory (just a few MBs). The instance has >15 GB free memory.

I have the same error with other deployments, too. Actually not one deployment works as it should.
I was able to deploy mongodb when I do "bosh -n deploy" 3 times in a row. First I get the same error as above, then it says that monit cannot stop the service and finally it deploys mongodb and everything is green.

I am wondering why on my local machine with virtualbox everything works as it should. But on an AWS instance the services don't start.

Do you have an idea what is wrong here?

Thank you!


Jul 28, 2014, 1:42:33 PM7/28/14
Hi Malte,

BOSH-lite is using a Warden container for each BOSH job. The limitation of doing this is that the Java process will be limited by the memory limits of the Warden container. It could be that your zookeeper job trying to do some auto detection of memory available and getting entire host memory (rather then the container).

Our suggestion is to set -Xmx and -Xms params yourself. If you want to have different -Xmx for different envs (bosh-lite vs prod) then you would have to pass them as Bosh manifest properties.

Hope this help,

@phanle && @maximilien
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