Issues getting bosh running with micro and aws plugin

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Whit Morriss

Jun 4, 2014, 4:57:58 PM6/4/14

I'm trying to get to work for aws, which includes installing the micro and aws plugins.

after gettiing all the dependencies installed, bosh errors out with this error (with no arguments)

   Failed to load plugin /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/bosh_cli_plugin_aws1.2579.0/lib/bosh/cli/commands/aws.rb: cannot loadsuch file -- cloud

when I gem uninstall the aws plugin:

   Failed to load plugin /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/bosh_cli_plugin_micro-1.2579.0/lib/bosh/cli/commands/micro.rb: cannot load such file -- bosh/deployer

when I uninstall micro, I get a working bosh_cli back.

I'm on ubuntu trusty:

ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-linux]
bosh-director-core (1.2579.0)
bosh-registry (1.2579.0)
bosh-stemcell (1.2579.0)
bosh_aws_cpi (1.2579.0)
bosh_cli (1.2579.0, 1.2578.0, 1.2334.0)
bosh_common (1.2579.0, 1.2578.0, 1.2334.0)
bosh_cpi (1.2579.
bosh_openstack_cpi (1.2579.0)
bosh_vcloud_cpi (0.5.4)
bosh_vsphere_cpi (1.2579.0)

bosh_cli_plugin_aws (1.2579.0)
bosh_cli_plugin_micro (1.2579.0)

I also tried bundling and running bosh from source per the readme and the bundler died on rake and then after making the rake dependency looser, it died on compiling eventmachine c++ extensions.

More generally, how do folks usually install and use bosh (rbenv? osx? always from source)?  I'm trying to find the happy path here and hitting alot of lumps.

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