Timed out pinging to 99521135-0eb4-44cc-85f0-8681efa34de3 after 600 seconds (00:14:02)
2015-04-18_00:35:22.79157 [settingsService] 2015/04/18 00:35:22 ERROR - Failed loading settings via fetcher: Getting settings from url: Get dial tcp connection refused
2015-04-18_00:35:22.79169 [File System] 2015/04/18 00:35:22 DEBUG - Reading file /var/vcap/bosh/settings.json
2015-04-18_00:35:22.79180 [settingsService] 2015/04/18 00:35:22 ERROR - Failed reading settings from file Opening file /var/vcap/bosh/settings.json: open /var/vcap/bosh/settings.json: no such file or directory
2015-04-18_00:35:22.79189 [main] 2015/04/18 00:35:22 ERROR - App setup Running bootstrap: Fetching settings: Invoking settings fetcher: Getting settings from url: Get dial tcp connection refused
I'm guessing this is a problem with the Bosh Solo configuration because it is trying to access settings from localhost when it should be hitting the director VM? But changing the ip address in the bosh-openstack-solo.yml to use the floating ip instead of localhost seems a bit aggressive and potentially problematic. Can anyone see something else that I'm missing?