Daniele Santoro
unread,Apr 23, 2015, 5:35:10 PM4/23/15Sign in to reply to author
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to bosh-...@cloudfoundry.org
Hi all,
we have a Cloud Foundry environment installed on top of OpenStack and we would like to clarify some aspects regarding applications:
1) When a new application is pushed or scaled, the new instance is positioned to a DEA that is selected by the CC. Is there a way to place an application on a particular DEA? Is it possible to move an application from a DEA to another one?
2) Applications can be scaled up/down horizontally or vertically through CLI, but can CF also scale this applications (through API calls) based on some parameters (e.g., CPU/RAM usage thresholds)?
Regarding instead the underline IaaS infrastructure, bosh permits to deploy all the VMs needed by CF to run. Bosh also provide a way to deploy changes in an incremental way.
3) If we want to change the number instances of a component (e.g., increase/reduce the number of runners/DEAs), do we need to modify the manifest and use bosh cli (via bosh deploy) or can we use some bosh APIs (maybe without modifying the deployment manifest)?
4) In addition we would like to know if there is a mechanism to increase/decrease the number of VMs dedicated to CF automatically (e.g., add a new runner where the other are full of apps). In particular we are wondering if configuring the size of the resource inside a particular resource pool in the deployment manifest permits to auto scale such resource automatically. For example:
name: runner_z1
size: 10"
Thank you