I was able to deploy my release a few weeks back, now it fails with strange errors including some manifest schema and default VPC being used.
Bosh CLI version: BOSH 1.2950.0 (updated it)
Deployed microbosh using bosh - VPC,subnet, security group [ nothing was created as everything was already in place]
When the release was uploaded and bosh deploy was called
1) First issue – a new element became mandatory - in the manifest file section for resource pools – size element became mandatory- this was not there before and it is not needed for openstack it complaints only for AWS. I added the size=3 to get over the first issue
- name: common
size: 3
network: default
name: bosh-aws-xen-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent
version: latest
instance_type: m3.large
2) The second issue was when the deployment happens I get the below issue
Failed creating bound missing vms > common/0: The security group 'bosh' does not exist in default VPC 'vpc-16940b73' (00:00:01) - although the microbosh, my deployment manifest and network all point to the subnet tied to the microbosh.
The entire set up worked well for AWS a few weeks before – the only changes are I installed the micro bosh VM instance again and updated my BOSH CLI.
Any thoughts on where this could have gone wrong ? any documentation on the schema change ?
Thanks for help in advance.
I was able to deploy my release a few weeks back, now it fails with strange errors including some manifest schema and default VPC being used.
Bosh CLI version: BOSH 1.2950.0 (updated it)
Deployed microbosh using bosh - VPC,subnet, security group [ nothing was created as everything was already in place]
When the release was uploaded and bosh deploy was called
1) First issue – a new element became mandatory - in the manifest file section for resource pools – size element became mandatory- this was not there before and it is not needed for openstack it complaints only for AWS. I added the size=3 to get over the first issue
- name: common
size: 3
network: default
name: bosh-aws-xen-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent
version: latest
instance_type: m3.large
2) The second issue was when the deployment happens I get the below issue
Failed creating bound missing vms > common/0: The security group 'bosh' does not exist in default VPC 'vpc-16940b73' (00:00:01) - although the microbosh, my deployment manifest and network all point to the subnet tied to the microbosh.
The entire set up worked well for AWS a few weeks before – the only changes are I installed the micro bosh VM instance again and updated my BOSH CLI.
Any thoughts on where this could have gone wrong ? any documentation on the schema change ?
Thanks for help in advance.
This mailing list is for closed, and is available for archival purposes only. For active discussion, please visit https://lists.cloudfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo/cf-bosh or email cf-...@lists.cloudfoundry.org.
Bosh status:
Name microbosh
Version 1.2427.0 (release:921db96c bosh:921db96c)
User admin
UUID 6edc30bd-5a78-4749-aede-76c491f26c24
CPI aws
dns enabled (domain_name: microbosh)
compiled_package_cache disabled
snapshots disabled
Stemcell for microbosh:
So the version is 1.2427 here ..is this old? Should I be using a newer stemcell?
Using 2719.3 version of stemcell solved the issue.
From: Dmitriy Kalinin [mailto:dkal...@pivotal.io]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:26 PM
To: bosh-...@cloudfoundry.org; Sumanth Yamala
Subject: Re: [bosh-users] Bosh AWS deployment issue - was working before