bosh-stemcell build process and archived OS_IMAGES

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Sep 2, 2014, 10:02:57 AM9/2/14
Hi All,

I feel i'm missing something with the BOSH-Stemcell build instructions:

- Checked out tag of BOSH repo (stable-2707)
- Using vagrant box to ensure correct dep's
- Building with `CANDIDATE_BUILD_NUMBER=2707 bundle exec rake stemcell:build[openstack,ubuntu,trusty,go,bosh-os-images,bosh-ubuntu-trusty-os-image.tgz]`

Everything upto this point is very explicitly versioned... apart from the OS_IMAGE, which has no versioning. (So i'm assuming it's meant to be generic?)
However, I'm getting the following spec failures in `BOSH-Stemcell/spec/os_image/ubuntu_trusty_sped.rb:170`:

    rspec ./spec/os_image/ubuntu_trusty_spec.rb:170 # Ubuntu 14.04 OS image installed by system_kernel Package "linux-headers-3.13.0-34" should be installed
    rspec ./spec/os_image/ubuntu_trusty_spec.rb:170 # Ubuntu 14.04 OS image installed by system_kernel Package "linux-headers-3.13.0-34-generic" should be installed
    rspec ./spec/os_image/ubuntu_trusty_spec.rb:170 # Ubuntu 14.04 OS image installed by system_kernel Package "linux-image-3.13.0-34-generic" should be installed
    rspec ./spec/os_image/ubuntu_trusty_spec.rb:170 # Ubuntu 14.04 OS image installed by system_kernel Package "linux-image-extra-3.13.0-34-generic" should be installed

It looks as if the OS_IMAGE has a newer kernel which is failing the very specific version constraints in the test.

It feels like I either need one of the following to make my build work correctly:

   1. OS_IMAGES from the S3 bucket versioned with the candidate build so that one doesn't progress without the other.
   2. To fork CloudFoundry/bosh and match the spec's up to what happens to be in the single OS_IMAGE file (which is, im guessing, going to keep changing?).

Can anyone school me in what i'm missing? :)

Kind Regards,

Adam Stegman

Sep 2, 2014, 12:06:20 PM9/2/14
Hi Matt,

It looks like you don't have the newest versions of those specs, which are currently only on the develop branch. We just built new OS images and those updates haven't made it to master yet. You should be able to get around those problems by provisioning your stemcell-building VM from the latest develop branch.

You're right in that we don't allow old OS images to be used when building stemcells, which is something that may be useful.


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Dmitriy Kalinin

Sep 2, 2014, 12:33:41 PM9/2/14
I'll add a story to explicitly reference os image that is used to build stemcells.
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