Cloud Foundry for Eclipse 1.6.0 Released

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N Singh

Feb 25, 2014, 3:20:05 PM2/25/14

We would like to announce the release of Cloud Foundry for Eclipse 1.6.0.

The plug-in can be installed through the Eclipse marketplace or "Extensions" tab in the Spring Tool Suite (STS) dashboard, or using the following update site in Help -> Install New Software
menu in Eclipse/STS:

We have also moved the Cloud Foundry Eclipse github repository from SpringSource to cloudfoundry. The new URL is:

In addition we are in the process of re-licensing the Eclipse plugin to Apache. The re-licensing will be complete in the next release of Cloud Foundry Eclipse.

We also have a new discussion forum for Cloud Foundry Eclipse. Please post any questions or comments to this forum:!forum/cf-eclipse

Some of the changes in 1.6.0 include:

1. Spring Boot support:
- In the Project Explorer, right-click on your Spring Boot project, and select Configure -> Enable as Cloud Foundry App.
- Then simply drag and drop the Spring Boot app to your Cloud Foundry server instance.

2. Servers using self-signed certificates:
- Many private cloud deployments rely on self-signed certificates. Starting this release, we support such configurations.
- When creating a new Cloud Foundry server through the Eclipse Servers wizard, if self-signed certificate is detected for a cloud URL, the user will be prompted whether to proceed. If so,
the decision will be persisted as a preference for that URL for any future server instance creation and interactions using that URL, including cloning a server instance to another org/space.

3. Application environment variables:
- Users can now specify environment variables both in the application deployment wizard, or edit them after an application is deployed through the Cloud Foundry server editor.

4. Free-form application memory choices:
- We've removed the restriction on application memory choices. Now users can specify any memory choice for applications in MB. For example: 359, 1230, etc..

5. Console enhancements:
- The Cloud Foundry console now displays progress when pushing, starting or stopping an application. The application log files can now be more easily streamed to the console by right-clicking on the application in the Servers view, and selecting "Show Console".

Thank you.


Dr Nic Williams

Feb 25, 2014, 6:59:45 PM2/25/14
Nice work!

Is there or will there be a way to get the streaming logs for an app?

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Mike Youngstrom

Feb 26, 2014, 11:36:18 AM2/26/14
+1 Pulling Loggregator logs into the eclipse console attached to an app would be great if it isn't already there.


N Singh

Feb 26, 2014, 1:28:56 PM2/26/14
Thanks for the comments and questions. We do not currently support Loggregator  in CF Eclipse 1.6.0, but we do have this planned as upcoming work.


Denilson Nastacio

Feb 26, 2014, 4:15:06 PM2/26/14
Can you push a Ruby app from Eclipse to a server in the Server view? Maybe it is just my setup (IBM Rational Software Architect for WebSphere, which is basically the Eclipse Juno release + J2EE support + Eclipse Dynamic Language Toolkit + previous version of the plugin) , but it did not offer the app in the right-click "Add/remove app" menu from the server)

I am going to try with new version anyway, but just would like to know if Ruby-app push is supposed to work. Follow on question, if supposed to work, which Eclipse extension for Ruby people used to test it?


N Singh

Feb 27, 2014, 2:33:57 PM2/27/14

Unfortunately, we do not currently support deployment of Ruby Eclipse projects via the CF Eclipse tool. The CF Eclipse framework does offer extensibility to implement  support for other application types, but at the moment we only offer support for war and jar apps, with jar apps requiring a simple, additional configuration step where you right-click on your Java/Spring Boot/etc.. project in the Project Explorer and select Configure -> Enable as Cloud Foundry App. That enabling will not work with Ruby projects, as it is only intended to be used on non-WAR projects that can be packaged as jars. Thanks.

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