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Weekly Sepsis Meeting

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Chrostowski, Chris

Jul 28, 2021, 12:17:37 PM7/28/21
to ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss

Are they still having the weekly meeting?  I don’t have it on my calendar any longer; only the monthly meeting.  If we are still meeting weekly, can someone forward me the invite?




Chris Chrostowski

H2O (Epic) Clin Doc & Regulatory Reporting Analyst

Office: 646-694-6395

Mobile: 646-285-5384

NYC Health + Hospitals

Central Office

50 Water Street, 5-051E

New York, NY 10041



From: <> On Behalf Of Jay Goldstein
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 12:08 PM
To: Stacey Rybarczyk <>; ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss <>
Cc: Wetzold, Anne <>
Subject: [ny-sepsis-ehr] RE: Missing vital signs causing file rejection


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I missed the call this morning.  Was there any discussion about the Pediatric e-sepsis.  I believe the data dictionary was release late last week.





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Gregory Briddick, Jr.

Jul 29, 2021, 3:03:35 PM7/29/21
to ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss, Chrostowski, Chris
I am not sure whether or not we will continue to have weekly meetings, since the submission deadline will have passed.  The IPRO team is at a conference now (from my understanding) and likely won't be able to comment on this until beginning of next week.  If I hear anything prior to Monday, I will pass it along.

Gregory Briddick, Jr.

Jul 29, 2021, 3:06:42 PM7/29/21
to ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss, Gregory Briddick, Jr., Chrostowski, Chris
     The Peds Sepsis Dictionary was released, but there wasn't any discussion about the dictionary at this time.  I believe the deadline for data submission for Peds won't be until the end of the year (I could be wrong here, I haven't found a conclusive submission deadline yet).  I will be taking a look at the data dictionary in the next couple of weeks, but from a brief survey, the  predominant structure of the dictionary is present, with the change of the ICD based variables which focus on Peds diagnoses.  I need to take a good look at the Appendix and see how they structured each of the variables.

Jay Goldstein

Aug 4, 2021, 9:02:38 AM8/4/21
to ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss
Is there a webex now?  If yes, would someone be so kind as to email to me the link?  Thanks

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Gregory Briddick

Aug 4, 2021, 9:05:06 AM8/4/21
to ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss,, ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss
Yes.  They're having the meeting now... Here is the link

Salay, Gene

Aug 4, 2021, 9:14:05 AM8/4/21
to Gregory Briddick, ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss,, ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss

For some reason this didn’t work for me, but the June meeting invite still works.


Gene Salay

Manager, ConnectCare Reporting

Information Services


Bon Secours Charity Health System

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From: <> On Behalf Of Gregory Briddick
Sent: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 9:05 AM
To: ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss <>
Cc: <>; ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss <>
Subject: Re: [ny-sepsis-ehr] Re: Weekly Sepsis Meeting


Yes.  They're having the meeting now... Here is the link



On Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 9:02:38 AM UTC-4 wrote:

Is there a webex now?  If yes, would someone be so kind as to email to me the link?  Thanks



On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 3:03 PM Gregory Briddick, Jr. <> wrote:

I am not sure whether or not we will continue to have weekly meetings, since the submission deadline will have passed.  The IPRO team is at a conference now (from my understanding) and likely won't be able to comment on this until beginning of next week.  If I hear anything prior to Monday, I will pass it along.

On Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 12:17:37 PM UTC-4 Chrostowski, Chris wrote:

Are they still having the weekly meeting?  I don’t have it on my calendar any longer; only the monthly meeting.  If we are still meeting weekly, can someone forward me the invite?




Chris Chrostowski

H2O (Epic) Clin Doc & Regulatory Reporting Analyst

Office: 646-694-6395

Mobile: 646-285-5384

NYC Health + Hospitals

Central Office

50 Water Street, 5-051E

New York, NY 10041

Image removed by sender. Lockup_H2O


From: <> On Behalf Of Jay Goldstein
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 12:08 PM
To: Stacey Rybarczyk <>; ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss <>
Cc: Wetzold, Anne <>
Subject: [ny-sepsis-ehr] RE: Missing vital signs causing file rejection


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I missed the call this morning.  Was there any discussion about the Pediatric e-sepsis.  I believe the data dictionary was release late last week.





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