Gregory Briddick, Jr.
unread,Jul 30, 2021, 9:34:49 AM7/30/21Sign in to reply to author
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to ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss,, ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss, Hiamang, Tokunbo M./Technology Division, Gregory Briddick, Jr.
Would it be helpful to have a webex to take a look at the data and walk you through it? This looks like a formatting issue with the variables, specifically the date/time formats. Depending on how you are exporting the datetime variable out of your RDBMS, the format may be incorrect. I had to convert the datetime variable into a varchar and export it in string format, in the required layout. Also, don't pull the file up in excel, as it will convert these to the decimal version of datetime, which won't be accepted by the portal.