Hello, yes we are having this as well, for lactate. I submitted a help desk ticket and am waiting for a response. Will post it once received.
From: ny-sepsis-...@cloud.ipro.org <ny-sepsis-...@cloud.ipro.org>
On Behalf Of Renee Raineri
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2021 8:23 AM
To: ny-sepsis-ehr-discuss <ny-sepsis-...@cloud.ipro.org>
Subject: [ny-sepsis-ehr] Greater than symbol ?
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In our experience, this was due to spaces between the symbols and numbers. Removing the spaces resolved the issue.
Gene Salay
Manager, ConnectCare Reporting
Information Services
Bon Secours Charity Health System
Member of the Westchester Medical Center Health Network
Mount Alverno Center | 20 Grand Street, Suite 308 | Warwick, NY 10990
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