[2.2] stardog-admin server start RuntimeException

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Jul 7, 2014, 5:55:22 AM7/7/14
to sta...@clarkparsia.com
I've previously been running Stardog 2.1.3 (from STARDOG_HOME=/usr/local/stardog → /usr/local/stardog-2.1.3) on OS X 10.9.2 with the following java installation:

$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_55"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_55-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.55-b03, mixed mode)

Not encountered any problems with getting it running.

I downloaded Stardog 2.2 to /usr/local/stardog-2.2 and rewrote the /usr/local/stardog symlink to point there instead. This yields the following:


$ readlink $STARDOG_HOME

$ which stardog-admin

$ stardog-admin version
Stardog 2.2
For information on Stardog, please visit http://stardog.com.
For help using Stardog, visit the documentation http://docs.stardog.com

$ stardog-admin server start
Guice provision errors:

1) Error in custom provider, java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not load system index: system
  at com.complexible.stardog.BaseStardogModule.getSystemIndex(BaseStardogModule.java:143)
  at com.complexible.stardog.BaseStardogModule.getSystemIndex(BaseStardogModule.java:143)
  while locating com.complexible.stardog.index.Index annotated with @com.google.inject.name.Named(value=system.index)
  at com.complexible.stardog.security.impl.IndexBackedConsistentSystemSecurityManager.<init>(IndexBackedConsistentSystemSecurityManager.java:63)
  while locating com.complexible.stardog.security.impl.IndexBackedConsistentSystemSecurityManager
  at com.complexible.stardog.security.index.SecurityModule.configure(SecurityModule.java:85)
  while locating com.complexible.stardog.security.SystemSecurityManager<org.openrdf.model.URI>
    for parameter 1 at com.complexible.stardog.security.impl.SecureSystemSecurityManagerImpl.<init>(SecureSystemSecurityManagerImpl.java:82)
  while locating com.complexible.stardog.security.impl.SecureSystemSecurityManagerImpl
  at com.complexible.stardog.security.index.SecurityModule.configure(SecurityModule.java:95)
  while locating com.complexible.stardog.security.SecureSystemSecurityManager<org.openrdf.model.URI>
    for parameter 0 at com.complexible.stardog.security.impl.StardogSecurityManagerImpl.<init>(StardogSecurityManagerImpl.java:76)
  while locating com.complexible.stardog.security.impl.StardogSecurityManagerImpl
  at com.complexible.stardog.security.index.SecurityModule.configure(SecurityModule.java:97)
  while locating com.complexible.stardog.security.StardogSecurityManager
    for parameter 4 at com.complexible.stardog.StardogKernel.<init>(StardogKernel.java:195)
  at com.complexible.stardog.StardogKernel.class(StardogKernel.java:195)
  while locating com.complexible.stardog.StardogKernel
  while locating com.complexible.stardog.Kernel
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not load system index: system

and 4 more RuntimeExceptions besides (full log attached).

I'm experiencing a problem with 2.1.3 which I shall post about separately and would like to try reproducing on 2.2 (as well as play with its other new features, of course).

Thanks for any advice you can give.


Mike Grove

Jul 7, 2014, 6:22:00 AM7/7/14
to stardog
This is most often caused by the classpath missing one of the required jars.

Does it work if you just run `./bin/stardog-admin server start` from within the distro without using the environment variables or symlinks?




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Jul 7, 2014, 6:33:33 AM7/7/14
to sta...@clarkparsia.com
Hi Michael,

Unfortunately I get exactly the same result without the symlink, and without STARDOG_HOME in the environment:

$ cd /usr/local/stardog-2.2/
$ ./bin/stardog-admin server start
Guice provision errors:


$ cd /usr/local/stardog-2.2/
$ export STARDOG_HOME=$(pwd)
$ ./bin/stardog-admin server start
Guice provision errors:



Jul 7, 2014, 6:36:01 AM7/7/14
to sta...@clarkparsia.com, paul....@gmail.com
Gah, it was a permissions issue. Gave myself ownership of the entire directory and it spun up a treat.

Apologies on my part for not having figured that one out before posting. However, the nature of the error raised is very confusing -- I thought it might be something to do with the classpath too, hence my going into the environmental details.

Perhaps `stardog-admin server start` could check the directory permissions against the current user to try to identify such problems in advance.


Mike Grove

Jul 7, 2014, 6:38:19 AM7/7/14
to stardog
On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 6:36 AM, <paul....@gmail.com> wrote:
Gah, it was a permissions issue. Gave myself ownership of the entire directory and it spun up a treat.

Apologies on my part for not having figured that one out before posting. However, the nature of the error raised is very confusing -- I thought it might be something to do with the classpath too, hence my going into the environmental details.

Perhaps `stardog-admin server start` could check the directory permissions against the current user to try to identify such problems in advance.

We do, but I can see looking at the code where the check is done in the wrong order, so we're checking after it's too late.

Thanks for noticing that, we'll fix it for the next release.


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