Failed to create directory within 10000 attempts

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Jacobus Geluk

Dec 1, 2015, 2:50:41 PM12/1/15
to Stardog

Suggestion: publish name of the directory that could not be created in the log? See yellow line below. I have no idea now which directory could not be created.

Initializing Stardog


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This is a trial Enterprise license

This license will expire in 18 days on Sat Dec 19 15:54:25 EST 2015



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INFO  2015-12-01 14:45:29,578 [main] com.complexible.stardog.pack.replication.ReplicatedKernelImpl:join(416): Starting up node fa98606e-8f57-4158-a3bf-b171cafbc9b9

INFO  2015-12-01 14:45:29,578 [main] com.complexible.stardog.pack.replication.ReplicatedKernelImpl:join(417): ZK Connection r80an10:2180,r80an20:2180,r80an30:2180,r80an40:2180

INFO  2015-12-01 14:45:29,623 [main] com.complexible.stardog.pack.replication.impl.ZKLeaderLatch:joinCoordinatorElection(76): Node fa98606e-8f57-4158-a3bf-b171cafbc9b9 is joining coordinator election

INFO  2015-12-01 14:45:34,646 [main] com.complexible.stardog.pack.replication.ReplicatedKernelImpl:computeSystemDbSyncAction(584): System database is out of sync: 389 != 369

INFO  2015-12-01 14:45:34,649 [main] com.complexible.stardog.pack.replication.ReplicatedKernelImpl:computeDbSyncActions(558): Remote databases [vertica_test, dbpedia, slap]

INFO  2015-12-01 14:45:34,654 [main] com.complexible.stardog.pack.replication.ReplicatedKernelImpl:syncDatabases(619): System database sync action: SYNC

INFO  2015-12-01 14:45:34,667 [main] com.complexible.stardog.pack.replication.ReplicatedKernelImpl:syncDatabase(661): Sync database slap (SYNC_FULL) from RemoteDatabase(2eb24a08-d869-446d-8bf6-4aec874294e4, slap, snarlp://r80an40:5821)

INFO  2015-12-01 14:45:35,062 [main-EventThread] com.complexible.stardog.pack.replication.impl.ZKLeaderLatch:abandonCoordinatorElection(87): Node fa98606e-8f57-4158-a3bf-b171cafbc9b9 is abandoning coordinator election

Shutting down Stardog server...

Shutdown successful.

Failed to create directory within 10000 attempts (tried 1448999134907-0 to 1448999134907-9999)

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