installing stardog

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Feb 25, 2015, 6:14:01 PM2/25/15

I'm a newbie with terminal installations so some help with the installation of stardog would be really appreciated! 

I downloaded the stardog-2.2.4 and license-license-key.bin (these are now in my download folder). then i give the following commands in the terminal (and get back the output, that does not seem to work..) 

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:~ sjojessen$ export STARDOG_HOME=/data/stardog

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:~ sjojessen$ cp stardog-license-key.bin $STARDOG_HOME

cp: stardog-license-key.bin: No such file or directory

So i think the problem is with finding the stardom-license-key ?  --> but then i found on a forum that you can also drag and drop the files with the cd command so i tried this 

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:~ sjojessen$ cp /Users/sjojessen/Downloads/stardog-license-key.bin /Users/sjojessen/STARDOG_HOME 

This seems to work (i think)..

Then i tried the next command of the start up instructions.

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:~ sjojessen$ ./stardog-admin server start

-bash: ./stardog-admin: No such file or directory

This is where i got stuck till now. I think (hope) it is something small with where i should look for the file, but if some one could help me out that would be great!

Feb 25, 2015, 6:37:02 PM2/25/15
well i tried somethings that are maybe good to take a look at. Actually i now put the command in the bin folder of the stardog file.. but again heading into a problem. 

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:downloads sjojessen$ cd stardog-2.2.4

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:stardog-2.2.4 sjojessen$ ls

bin docs pack webconsole

client examples server

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:stardog-2.2.4 sjojessen$ cd bin 

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:bin sjojessen$ ls


mavenInstall stop-service.bat

mavenInstall.bat stardog-serverw.exe uninstall-service.bat

stardog stardog.bat windows


stardog-admin.bat starman

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:bin sjojessen$ ./stardog-admin server start

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:bin sjojessen$ ./stardog-admin db create -n myDB examples/data/University0_0.owl

Unable to connect to server at snarl://localhost:5820 Connection refused: localhost/

Op donderdag 26 februari 2015 00:14:01 UTC+1 schreef

Mike Grove

Feb 26, 2015, 7:59:09 AM2/26/15
to stardog
On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 6:37 PM, <> wrote:
well i tried somethings that are maybe good to take a look at. Actually i now put the command in the bin folder of the stardog file.. but again heading into a problem. 

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:downloads sjojessen$ cd stardog-2.2.4

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:stardog-2.2.4 sjojessen$ ls

bin docs pack webconsole

client examples server

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:stardog-2.2.4 sjojessen$ cd bin 

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:bin sjojessen$ ls


mavenInstall stop-service.bat

mavenInstall.bat stardog-serverw.exe uninstall-service.bat

stardog stardog.bat windows


stardog-admin.bat starman

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:bin sjojessen$ ./stardog-admin server start

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:bin sjojessen$ ./stardog-admin db create -n myDB examples/data/University0_0.owl

Unable to connect to server at snarl://localhost:5820 Connection refused: localhost/

If you're not comfortable working in a terminal environment, the easiest thing for you to do is put your license file in the `stardog-2.2.4` directory, and run the commands from that directory, eg `./bin/stardog-admin server start`.  This will default to $STARDOG_HOME being the `stardog-2.2.4` directory and you do not have to worry about correctly setting the $STARDGOG_HOME environment variable.



Op donderdag 26 februari 2015 00:14:01 UTC+1 schreef

I'm a newbie with terminal installations so some help with the installation of stardog would be really appreciated! 

I downloaded the stardog-2.2.4 and license-license-key.bin (these are now in my download folder). then i give the following commands in the terminal (and get back the output, that does not seem to work..) 

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:~ sjojessen$ export STARDOG_HOME=/data/stardog

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:~ sjojessen$ cp stardog-license-key.bin $STARDOG_HOME

cp: stardog-license-key.bin: No such file or directory

So i think the problem is with finding the stardom-license-key ?  --> but then i found on a forum that you can also drag and drop the files with the cd command so i tried this 

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:~ sjojessen$ cp /Users/sjojessen/Downloads/stardog-license-key.bin /Users/sjojessen/STARDOG_HOME 

This seems to work (i think)..

Then i tried the next command of the start up instructions.

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:~ sjojessen$ ./stardog-admin server start

-bash: ./stardog-admin: No such file or directory

This is where i got stuck till now. I think (hope) it is something small with where i should look for the file, but if some one could help me out that would be great! 

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Feb 26, 2015, 10:02:12 AM2/26/15
I see what your problem is but you're probably going to continue to experience problems if you don't know your way around the command line. I believe that you're doing this as part of a class assignment, correct? If it is I would suggest that you either ask the instructor for very explicit instructions on how to get started or to find a classmate that knows Unix to show you the basics. You might also want to read a few introductory tutorials on Unix. If you're taking a course that is using Stardog you'd be very well served by learning Unix as well.
I've included comments with what I think you're doing wrong inline below.

On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 6:14:01 PM UTC-5, wrote:

I'm a newbie with terminal installations so some help with the installation of stardog would be really appreciated! 

I downloaded the stardog-2.2.4 and license-license-key.bin (these are now in my download folder). then i give the following commands in the terminal (and get back the output, that does not seem to work..) 

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:~ sjojessen$ export STARDOG_HOME=/data/stardog

I'm guessing you ran this verbatim from the Stardog quick start guide. /data/stardog should be the directory where you've unzipped Stardog to. You said that it's in your Downloads directory so this is most likely not where Stardog is. You also didn't say anything about unzipping Stardog so that may be a problem too. So unzip the archinve and run "export STARDOG_HOME=/Users/sjojessen/Downloads/stardog-2.2.4". I think that's where the Downloads directory is for OSX. You might have to check and adjust accordingly.

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:~ sjojessen$ cp stardog-license-key.bin $STARDOG_HOME

cp: stardog-license-key.bin: No such file or directory

This is failing because you set STARDOG_HOME to /data/stardog which probably doesn't exist on your system. You can either update the STARDOG_HOME location as suggested above or create the /data directory and copy the unzipped stardog-2.2.4 folder to /data. Since you're not familiar with the command line I'd suggest the former.

So i think the problem is with finding the stardom-license-key ?  --> but then i found on a forum that you can also drag and drop the files with the cd command so i tried this 

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:~ sjojessen$ cp /Users/sjojessen/Downloads/stardog-license-key.bin /Users/sjojessen/STARDOG_HOME 

cp is the copy command. So you just copied the stardog license key to a file in /Users/sjojessen called STARDOG_HOME

This seems to work (i think)..

if you updated your STARDOG_HOME correctly you can copy the Stardog license key to where it needs to go by running
     cp /Users/sjojessen/Downloads/stardog-license-key.bin $STARDOG_HOME
Please not the $ before STARDOG_HOME this will be replaced with the value of STARDOG_HOME that you set earlier with the export command.

Then i tried the next command of the start up instructions.

MacBook-Air-van-Sjo:~ sjojessen$ ./stardog-admin server start

-bash: ./stardog-admin: No such file or directory

This is failing because you're trying to run the command from your home directory and it can't find the command. You have a couple of options but since you don't know your way around the command line I'll just suggest one option. You need to change to the Stardog directory.
and run the command as
  ./bin/stardog-admin server start

This is where i got stuck till now. I think (hope) it is something small with where i should look for the file, but if some one could help me out that would be great! 

I hope this helps. The commands to set STARDOG_HOME will not be permanent and you'll need to run the commands every time you restart your machine. If this is being used for a class I might suggest sharing some information about your class and how you're using Stardog.
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