Role added to then removed from user re-appears after server restart (3.1.4)

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Conrad Leonard

Jul 30, 2015, 12:22:08 AM7/30/15
to Stardog
[conradL@slithytove stardog]$ stardog-admin role add -u admin -p admin someRole
Successfully added role someRole.
[conradL@slithytove stardog]$ stardog-admin role grant -u admin -p admin -a read -o db:someDb someRole
Successfully granted the permission.
[conradL@slithytove stardog]$ stardog-admin user addrole -u admin -p admin -R someRole anonymous
Role someRole has been successfully assigned to user anonymous.
[conradL@slithytove stardog]$ stardog-admin user permission -u admin -p admin -v anonymous
| Resource Type | Resource Name | Permissions |   Source    |
| *             | *             | --R----     | reader      |
| db            | someDb        | --R----     | someRole    |
| user          | anonymous     | --R----     | [anonymous] |
[conradL@slithytove stardog]$ stardog-admin user removerole -u admin -p admin -R someRole anonymous
Role someRole has been successfully unassigned from user anonymous.
[conradL@slithytove stardog]$ stardog-admin user permission -u admin -p admin -v anonymous
| Resource Type | Resource Name | Permissions |   Source    |
| *             | *             | --R----     | reader      |
| user          | anonymous     | --R----     | [anonymous] |
[conradL@slithytove stardog]$ stardog-admin server stop -u admin -p admin >/dev/null 2>&1 && stardog-admin server start >/dev/null 2>&1
[conradL@slithytove stardog]$ stardog-admin user permission -u admin -p admin -v anonymous
| Resource Type | Resource Name | Permissions |   Source    |
| *             | *             | --R----     | reader      |
| db            | someDb        | --R----     | someRole    |
| user          | anonymous     | --R----     | [anonymous] |

Michael Grove

Jul 30, 2015, 9:12:57 AM7/30/15
to stardog

Thanks, as always, for the concise and clear bug report.  The issue for this is #2414 and we'll fix it for the next release.



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