Rules allowing literal into subject position

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Zachary Whitley

Mar 15, 2016, 12:50:16 PM3/15/16
to Stardog
I made a mistake while constructing a user defined rule and noticed this bug. It appears that Stardog is allowing literals in the subject position as the result of a user defined rule.

Stardog version 4.0.5
Nothing to report in logs

$> stardog-admin db create -n test -- literal-in-subject-from-rule.ttl

$> cat literal-in-subject-from-rule.ttl

@prefix rule: <tag:stardog:api:rule:> .

:a :number 5 .

    a rule:SPARQLRule ;
    rule:content """
    IF {
        ?a :number ?n .
    } THEN {
        ?n a :Number .

$> stardog query execute -r "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }

|   s   |    p     |     o     |
| :a    | :number  | 5         |
| 5     | rdf:type | :Number   |
| :a    | rdf:type | owl:Thing |

# since open ?s ?p ?o queries seem to be problematic at times I also tried the following with the same error

$> stardog query execute -r "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p :Number }

|   s   |    p     |
| 5     | rdf:type |

$> stardog query execute -r "SELECT * WHERE { ?s :a :Number }

|   s   |
| 5     |


Evren Sirin

Mar 17, 2016, 9:07:03 AM3/17/16
to Stardog
We had another variation of this problem before (#2219) which was
fixed in 4.0 but looks like there are still some cases that is not
covered. Thanks for the report and we will take a look at this.

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