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Invitation: CKAN Monthly Live @ Monthly from 3pm to 4pm on the third Wednesday (GMT+3) (

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Yoana Popova

Jan 16, 2024, 4:46:54 PM1/16/24
to CKAN Development Discussions
CKAN Monthly Live
Join with Google Meet – This CKAN Monthly Live is not to be missed, as it will feature guest speakers from CivicDataLab, a pioneering organization that exemplifies how CKAN can be leveraged for impactful social initiatives i
This CKAN Monthly Live is not to be missed, as it will feature guest speakers from CivicDataLab, a pioneering organization that exemplifies how CKAN can be leveraged for impactful social initiatives in India.

🔥 About the Project

CivicDataLab works at the intersection of data, technology, design, and social science to strengthen civic engagements in India. The organization works to harness the potential of open knowledge movements and better enable citizens to engage in matters of public reform. They have developed several open data platforms using CKAN to increase access to public datasets in the areas of Public Finance, Urban Governance, and Law and Justice. Beyond that, CivicDataLab engages in the development of highly specialized, custom data solutions that serve to arm government entities and civil society organizations with the data-driven insights required for intelligent discourse and effective policy-making.

🎯 Why Should You Attend?

This session offers a unique learning opportunity for data scientists, policymakers, social activists, and CKAN enthusiasts alike. Here’s what you can expect to learn: 
  • Understand the motivation and challenges behind creating diverse data platforms like OpenBudgetsIndia, Open City, and Justice Hub 
  • Discover how CivicDataLab manages and sustains their open-data initiatives long-term
  • Gain valuable insights into the lessons CivicDataLab has learned from using CKAN for their projects
  • Learn about CivicDataLab’s framework for developing custom data platforms by decoupling CKAN backend and frontend systems
Link to meeting doc:

----- Welcome to CKAN Monthly Live! 🎉  -----

CKAN Monthly Live - a series of monthly events to showcase CKAN to people - it’s #FreeToJoin and #OpenToEveryone. These virtual events are designed for end users, a space for our community to meet, get to know each other, and learn about uses and applications of CKAN. Each event includes a single session and a live Q&A forum. Join our next meetup: it’s an opportunity to connect with the speakers, the other attendees and the whole CKAN community!

For more details, check out our blog on

----- Stay Connected -----

Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. You can also visit our website and blog to learn more! Don’t forget to share your experience by using #CKANMonthlyLive!


Monthly from 3pm to 4pm on the third Wednesday (Eastern European Time - Sofia)


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