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Purge revision table

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Isabel M Ruiz Mellado

Apr 19, 2024, 6:15:35 AM4/19/24
to CKAN Development Discussions
Hi all,

ckan version: 2.8

My revision table has 35.000.000 rows.

I monitored ckan database and this select 

SELECT count(*) AS count_1
FROM revision
WHERE = 'adminckan'

is executed manytimes per second and spend a lot of time.

Is there anyway to purge it revision table ?

william dutton

Apr 19, 2024, 4:30:31 PM4/19/24
to CKAN Development Discussions, Isabel M Ruiz Mellado
Please see

That table I do believe is dropped in favour of a new way of storing revisions in the activity table that uses the plugin ckanext-activity (ckan core turned plugin still in core repo)

This data is also used for dashboard, email of recent activity, package activity, dataset activity. In later versions of ckan you can turn this off and no history will be created.
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