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Germany case reports

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Helen Pringle

Apr 10, 2024, 4:22:05 AM4/10/24

dear everyone,

I am looking for original reports (and other related official documents) on a case first brought by Michael Düllmann in 2018, concerning the "Judensau" carving on the Wittenberg Stadtkirche. 

I think this is an accurate chart of the legal action so far (last 2 items are those mentioned by the complainant as possible future course of action).

Michael Düllmann         2018     sued [Wittenberg?] parish

  1. District Court of Dessau rejected his claim     2019 May
  2. Higher Regional Court in Naumberg rejected his appeal          2020 January
  3. Federal Court of Justice in Karsruhe upheld previous rulings   2022 June

> Federal Constitutional Court

> European Court of Human Rights

(please feel free to correct me on any mistakes!)

I have the general lines of the decisions from news reports in German and English, but my ignorance of the German legal system archives seems to be so complete, and google is so unhelpful (:, that I can't locate any of the original reports. 

I would be so grateful for any help!

thank you, and kind wishes to all,



Helen Pringle
Associate Professor in Political Theory
Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture
University of New South Wales, Sydney
Sydney NSW 2052
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