W3C call schedule; header/iframe support

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Sam Dutton

Mar 30, 2023, 6:19:19 PM3/30/23
to Topics API announcements
The Topics W3C call is moving to a more predictable schedule. Beginning on April 10, the call will be held every four weeks on Monday (May 8, June 5, and so on) at 11am US Eastern Time. You can add agenda items for discussion, or review notes from past calls.

Also, we recently released support for Topics to be sent via request headers with document requests (including iframes). Our documentation explains how this works.

Brian May

Apr 3, 2023, 8:03:14 PM4/3/23
to Topics API announcements, dut...@chromium.org
Appreciate having a  regular meeting schedule. 

It would be helpful if folks who are adding agenda items include links to issues so we can review things ahead of the meeting and ask clarifying questions.

Leeron Israel

Apr 10, 2023, 3:11:52 PM4/10/23
to Topics API announcements, bm...@dstillery.com, Sam Dutton
Hello all,

We had a Topics call scheduled to take place today, on Monday, April 10, 2023 at 11am US ET. 

There was not sufficient quorum and therefore we decided to skip this month's meeting.


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