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Origin trial renewal: new token required

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Sam Dutton

Aug 24, 2022, 6:08:25 PM8/24/22
to Topics API announcements
The Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement origin trial has now been renewed. 

If you haven't done so already, you will need to create and deploy a new token to access the trial: 
  1. Go to your My Registrations page. 
  2. Click the RENEW button for an origin. 
  3. Copy the new origin trial token. 
  4. Deploy the token. 

If the RENEW button is not available or visible, you may need to provide feedback first. This won't take long, and you can always provide more feedback later. The option to renew will be available as soon as feedback is submitted. 

You can provide more than one trial token on a page; Chrome will ignore invalid or expired tokens.
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