Hi everyone,
Yesterday we shared an updated plan and timeline for Privacy Sandbox for the web and the path towards phasing out third-party cookies. Read the details on the Keyword blog post: https://blog.google/products/chrome/update-testing-privacy-sandbox-web/
We also intend to increase traffic volume for the unified Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement origin trial, and have requested an extension to the duration. Details about these updates and what they mean for your testing plans can be found on the Chrome Developer blog:
We expect that the traffic increase in Stable will significantly improve the volume of users available for testing going forward.
If you have any questions on these origin trial updates, please file an issue on our developer support repository:
Note: As part of our ramp up in anticipation of enabling the APIs in Chrome Stable in Chrome 104, we re-shuffled the experiment and control groups on July 13th, 2022. This temporarily reduced the overall fraction of users with interest groups and topics, and may reduce the volume of attributed conversion reports, as some members of the experiment group were new.