Errors about _GetDevToolsClient

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Ian Barkley-Yeung

Feb 14, 2021, 11:49:24 PM2/14/21
I was trying to run
tools/perf/run_benchmark system_health.common_desktop --browser-executable=out/Release/chrome --reset-results --results-label="Version 1"

 on my Linux machine, and it's failing with 

(ERROR) 2021-02-03 21:17:05,975 chrome_browser_backend.BindDevToolsClient:133  Timed out while waiting 60s for _GetDevToolsClient.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/ssd/iby/chromium/src/third_party/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/backends/chrome/", line 130, in BindDevToolsClient
  File "/ssd/iby/chromium/src/third_party/catapult/common/py_utils/py_utils/", line 150, in WaitFor
    (timeout, GetConditionString()))
TimeoutException: Timed out while waiting 60s for _GetDevToolsClient.

Chrome then crashes with a SIGABRT.

There's nothing in the docs about this. Any ideas what I might do? 


John Chen

Feb 15, 2021, 12:16:20 AM2/15/21
to telemetry, Ian Barkley-Yeung
This error means that Telemetry was unable to connect to Chrome for some reason. When you run your test, do you see a new Chrome window opening? If you see a new Chrome window, please navigate to chrome://version, and check that the Command Line includes --remote-debugging-port=0, and the value given in --user-data-dir matches the value of Profile Path. If you don't see a new Chrome window, there might be something wrong with your Chrome build.

Ian Barkley-Yeung

Feb 17, 2021, 2:58:52 PM2/17/21
to John Chen, telemetry
I see a very brief flash, nothing more.

If I run out/Release/chrome directly, it works fine.

John Chen

Feb 17, 2021, 4:53:13 PM2/17/21
to telemetry, Ian Barkley-Yeung, telemetry, John Chen
A brief flash of Chrome usually indicates that Chrome crashed soon after startup. Since running out/Release/chrome directly works fine, this might be due to some command line switches added by Telemetry. By adding -v switch to run_benchmark command line, you can see all the Chrome command line switches used by Telemetry (it's a very long list), and try to run Chrome manually with those switches.

Another sanity check you can try is to use --browser=system-chrome, to see if Telemetry works correctly with a known-good version of Chrome.

Ian Barkley-Yeung

Feb 17, 2021, 8:45:23 PM2/17/21
to John Chen, telemetry
If I run the binary with the command lines args, I get

libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)

DevTools listening on ws://
[3061206:3061206:0217/] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
[3061271:3061271:0217/] Could not get a valid VA display
[3061271:3061271:0217/] Passthrough is not supported, GL is egl
[3061174:3061174:0217/] Software compositing fallback is unavailable. Goodbye.

This is on a remote desktop session.

Any ideas what the issue might be?

John Chen

Feb 18, 2021, 2:57:27 AM2/18/21
to telemetry, Ian Barkley-Yeung, telemetry, John Chen
It looks like you don't have a supported GPU. Normally, Chrome would just fall back to work without GPU. However, for consistent results, Telemetry requires the presence of GPU. See

To work around, you can edit the above code locally to remove --assert-gpu-compositing option, though some measurements will be affected by it.

Ian Barkley-Yeung

Feb 19, 2021, 3:51:15 PM2/19/21
to John Chen, telemetry
That didn't quite work, but going into tools/perf/benchmarks/ and replacing 
   def SetExtraBrowserOptions(self, options):
     # Using the software fallback can skew the rendering related metrics. So
     # disable that.

   def SetExtraBrowserOptions(self, options):

fixed the issue. Thanks for the pointers!

John Chen

Feb 19, 2021, 5:45:39 PM2/19/21
to telemetry, Ian Barkley-Yeung, telemetry, John Chen
Thanks for the update. Sorry that my pointer was a little off, but glad that you figured it out.
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