Tast -build=false not working at this moment.

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Seewai Fu

Apr 24, 2024, 8:14:47 PM4/24/24
to tast-users
Hi Everybody:

I just landed a CL to rearrange the source path of Tast local test runner, but I forgot to test out the manual run. It is broken at this moment if you rebase.

I will notify you all when a fix is landed.

Sorry for the issue.


Seewai Fu

Apr 25, 2024, 2:43:23 PM4/25/24
to tast-users
Hi Everybody:

If you are not writing or running Tast tests, you can ignore this email.

My CL that fixed the "-build=false" issue landed last night.

2024-04-25T14:29:57.109133Z cannot find package "go.chromium.org/tast/core/cmd/local_test_runner" in any of:

If you are still seeing the above error, do

1. Exit chroot and do a repo sync 
2. Go back to chroot and do 
    cros_workon --host start tast-cmd
    FEATURES=test sudo emerge tast-cmd

If you can wait one more day, the new sdk tarball should have the latest Tast build. You just need to

1. Exit chroot and do a repo sync
2. Go back to chroot.

Sorry for the issue.

If you have any questions, please let me know.



Seewai Fu

Apr 25, 2024, 5:01:06 PM4/25/24
to tast-users
Hi Everybody:

I had a mistake in the title of the email

It should be

Tast -build=true (default) not working at this moment


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