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I2P/I2E for Skip Preloadscan (Origin Trial)

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Alex N. Jose

Mar 20, 2024, 3:40:41 PM3/20/24

I'm looking at experimenting with skipping the HTMLPreloadScan step of the browser (as an Origin Trial), to evaluate performance tradeoff for pages that don't benefit from the PreloadScan step (advanced web-devs / pages that have inlined most resources that benefit preloading). 

I've drafted a document with more details, and created a chromestatus entry so far. There is no spec being proposed yet  — it could come out of the OT study as a separate proposal, or as an  enhancement on the current scanner implementation. This is also my first time creating an Origin Trial, so I'm learning the process as I walk through it. What should be my next step? I2P or I2E, and could I combine these two? 

I was planning to send the following I2P to blink-dev@, but I felt I should reach out first to ask for guidance.

Thanks so much,


Contact emails





Skips the PreloadScan step of the browser to explore performance tradeoffs for pages with no sub-resource fetches. PreloadScan step of Chromium is implemented as a blocking step that benefits performance of pages with sub-resource fetches, via implementation of the speculative prefetch. However, for pages that don’t benefit from this step, i.e., for pages with no sub-resources, this is additional processing overhead with little benefit. For advanced web users who would like to benefit by reducing this overhead, this experiment provides a page-level control to disable the the PreloadScanner. Data collected from this experiment could evaluate if a modified API or a different implementation of HTMLPreloadScanner would be helpful.

Blink component



PreloadScan step of Chromium is implemented as a blocking step that benefits performance of pages with sub-resource fetches, via implementation of the speculative prefetch. However, for pages that don’t benefit from this step, i.e., for pages with no sub-resources, this is additional processing overhead with little benefit. For advanced web users who would like to benefit by reducing this overhead, this experiment provides a page-level control to disable the the PreloadScanner. Data collected from this experiment could evaluate if a modified API or a different implementation of HTMLPreloadScanner would be helpful.

Initial public proposal

TAG review


TAG review status



Interoperability and Compatibility


Gecko: No signal

WebKit: No signal

Web developers: No signals

Other signals:

WebView application risks

Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?




Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?


No, since in this iteration we don’t have a web exposed API, and the valid OriginTrial token itself is currently used to trigger the feature. We plan to fully test the API via web-platform-tests once they are proposed.

Flag name on chrome://flags


Finch feature name


Non-finch justification


Requires code in //chrome?


Estimated milestones

No milestones specified

Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status.

Noam Rosenthal

Mar 21, 2024, 6:19:09 AM3/21/24
to Alex N. Jose,
Hi Alex!

On Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 7:40 PM Alex N. Jose <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm looking at experimenting with skipping the HTMLPreloadScan step of the browser (as an Origin Trial), to evaluate performance tradeoff for pages that don't benefit from the PreloadScan step (advanced web-devs / pages that have inlined most resources that benefit preloading).

Seems reasonable.

> I've drafted a document with more details, and created a chromestatus entry so far. There is no spec being proposed yet — it could come out of the OT study as a separate proposal, or as an enhancement on the current scanner implementation. This is also my first time creating an Origin Trial, so I'm learning the process as I walk through it. What should be my next step? I2P or I2E, and could I combine these two?

Does this have web-observable implications, or is it just a
performance optimization?
This seems to be in line with,
where speculative parsing is an optional optimization, in which case
this doesn't warrant any spec change.

Mike Taylor

Mar 21, 2024, 10:44:58 AM3/21/24
to Alex N. Jose,

On 3/20/24 3:40 PM, Alex N. Jose wrote:


I'm looking at experimenting with skipping the HTMLPreloadScan step of the browser (as an Origin Trial), to evaluate performance tradeoff for pages that don't benefit from the PreloadScan step (advanced web-devs / pages that have inlined most resources that benefit preloading). 

I've drafted a document with more details, and created a chromestatus entry so far. There is no spec being proposed yet  — it could come out of the OT study as a separate proposal, or as an  enhancement on the current scanner implementation. This is also my first time creating an Origin Trial, so I'm learning the process as I walk through it. What should be my next step? I2P or I2E, and could I combine these two?
You can hop straight to I2E if you'd like, but it's also fine to send an I2P before that if you want to boost your Intents numbers. :)
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Alex N. Jose

Mar 21, 2024, 3:58:45 PM3/21/24
to Mike Taylor,
Thank you so much for your guidance, Mike and Noam! I sent out the I2E. 
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