Skips the PreloadScan step of the browser to explore performance tradeoffs for pages with no sub-resource fetches. PreloadScan step of Chromium is implemented as a blocking step that benefits performance of pages with sub-resource fetches, via implementation of the speculative prefetch. However, for pages that don’t benefit from this step, i.e., for pages with no sub-resources, this is additional processing overhead with little benefit. For advanced web users who would like to benefit by reducing this overhead, this experiment provides a page-level control to disable the the PreloadScanner. Data collected from this experiment could evaluate if a modified API or a different implementation of HTMLPreloadScanner would be helpful.
PreloadScan step of Chromium is implemented as a blocking step that benefits performance of pages with sub-resource fetches, via implementation of the speculative prefetch. However, for pages that don’t benefit from this step, i.e., for pages with no sub-resources, this is additional processing overhead with little benefit. For advanced web users who would like to benefit by reducing this overhead, this experiment provides a page-level control to disable the the PreloadScanner. Data collected from this experiment could evaluate if a modified API or a different implementation of HTMLPreloadScanner would be helpful.
Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
No, since in this iteration we don’t have a web exposed API, and the valid OriginTrial token itself is currently used to trigger the feature. We plan to fully test the API via web-platform-tests once they are proposed.
No milestones specified
On 3/20/24 3:40 PM, Alex N. Jose wrote:
I'm looking at experimenting with skipping the HTMLPreloadScan step of the browser (as an Origin Trial), to evaluate performance tradeoff for pages that don't benefit from the PreloadScan step (advanced web-devs / pages that have inlined most resources that benefit preloading).
I've drafted a document with more details, and created a chromestatus entry so far. There is no spec being proposed yet — it could come out of the OT study as a separate proposal, or as an enhancement on the current scanner implementation. This is also my first time creating an Origin Trial, so I'm learning the process as I walk through it. What should be my next step? I2P or I2E, and could I combine these two?
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