Private Aggregation API GCP Support in M121

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Asha Menon

Jan 23, 2024, 10:20:58 PM1/23/24

Hi everyone,

Private Aggregation API is now supported on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), in addition to Amazon Web Services (previously supported). This change is available today with the release of Chrome Stable M121. 

Please see below to get started with Private Aggregation API deployment on GCP and the related changes required. 

Aggregation Service:

Please follow the instructions in our deployment guide to set up Aggregation Service on GCP.

Protected Audience and Shared Storage API callers:

  • Developers can specify their deployment option using the optional string field aggregationCoordinatorOrigin.

  • Protected Audience sellers would specify this field in the auctionConfig.

  • Protected Audience bidders can set this for each interest group via navigator.joinAdInterestGroup().

  • Shared Storage callers can specify their coordinator as GCP when calling the run() or selectURL() APIs. Note that we are reusing the privateAggregationConfig that currently allows for specifying a context ID (see here).

Please reach out if you have any questions.



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