Event-level reporting availability and fenced frames requirement for Content Selection

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Kevin Lee

Jun 7, 2023, 11:00:21 AM6/7/23
to Shared Storage API announcements

Event-level reporting using the reportingMetadata field will be available and fenced frames will not be required for the content selection operation (selectURL()) of Shared Storage until at least 2026. We will provide significant advanced notice before event-level reporting is removed, and fenced frame usage is required. 

For rendering content, if fenced frames are not used, you will need to use an iframe to render the opaque URN. To make selectURL() return an opaque URN, omit resolveToConfig property or set it to false

We suggest using fenced frames (at least in development) to better prepare for its eventual required usage.

If you have any questions on this change, please submit an issue in the Shared Storage GitHub repository.

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