We, the Chrome Security Team, propose that user agents (UAs) gradually change their UX to display non-secure origins as affirmatively non-secure. We intend to devise and begin deploying a transition plan for Chrome in 2015.
The goal of this proposal is to more clearly display to users that HTTP provides no data security.
We’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts on this proposal, and to discuss with the web community about how different transition plans might serve users.
We all need data communication on the web to be secure (private, authenticated, untampered). When there is no data security, the UA should explicitly display that, so users can make informed decisions about how to interact with an origin.
Roughly speaking, there are three basic transport layer security states for web origins:
Secure (valid HTTPS, other origins like (*, localhost, *));
Dubious (valid HTTPS but with mixed passive resources, valid HTTPS with minor TLS errors); and
Non-secure (broken HTTPS, HTTP).
For more precise definitions of secure and non-secure, see Requirements for Powerful Features and Mixed Content.
We know that active tampering and surveillance attacks, as well as passive surveillance attacks, are not theoretical but are in fact commonplace on the web.
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Transitioning The Web To HTTPS
We know that people do not generally perceive the absence of a warning sign. (See e.g. The Emperor's New Security Indicators.) Yet the only situation in which web browsers are guaranteed not to warn users is precisely when there is no chance of security: when the origin is transported via HTTP. Here are screenshots of the status quo for non-secure domains in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer:
UA vendors who agree with this proposal should decide how best to phase in the UX changes given the needs of their users and their product design constraints. Generally, we suggest a phased approach to marking non-secure origins as non-secure. For example, a UA vendor might decide that in the medium term, they will represent non-secure origins in the same way that they represent Dubious origins. Then, in the long term, the vendor might decide to represent non-secure origins in the same way that they represent Bad origins.
Ultimately, we can even imagine a long term in which secure origins are so widely deployed that we can leave them unmarked (as HTTP is today), and mark only the rare non-secure origins.
There are several ways vendors might decide to transition from one phase to the next. For example, the transition plan could be time-based:
T0 (now): Non-secure origins unmarked
T1: Non-secure origins marked as Dubious
T2: Non-secure origins marked as Non-secure
T3: Secure origins unmarked
Or, vendors might set thresholds based on telemetry that measures the ratios of user interaction with secure origins vs. non-secure. Consider this strawman proposal:
Secure > 65%: Non-secure origins marked as Dubious
Secure > 75%: Non-secure origins marked as Non-secure
Secure > 85%: Secure origins unmarked
The particular thresholds or transition dates are very much up for discussion. Additionally, how to define “ratios of user interaction” is also up for discussion; ideas include the ratio of secure to non-secure page loads, the ratio of secure to non-secure resource loads, or the ratio of total time spent interacting with secure vs. non-secure origins.
We’d love to hear what UA vendors, web developers, and users think. Thanks for reading!
* The biggest problem I see is that to get an accepted certificate traditionally you needed to pay. This was a show-stopper for having TLS certs in small websites. Mozilla, EFF, Cisco, Akamai are trying to fix that [1] and that StartSSL gives free certificates though. Just stating the obvious: you either get easy and free "secure" certificates, or this proposal is going to make some webmasters angry.
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Indeed, and expect a separate discussion of that. You can already see some of the discussion on the security-dev@ list regarding requiring OCSP stapling or modern ciphersuites for EV, and one can naturally assume that will migrate to DV.
That is, just as EV moves to DV when deployed dangerously, so too should DV move to dubious.
But, as you note, that's something to be discussed alongside.
That is, just as EV moves to DV when deployed dangerously, so too should DV move to dubious.
dev-security mailing list
We know that people do not generally perceive the absence of a warning sign. (See e.g. The Emperor's New Security Indicators.) Yet the only situation in which web browsers are guaranteed not to warn users is precisely when there is no chance of security: when the origin is transported via HTTP. Here are screenshots of the status quo for non-secure domains in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer:
Free SSL certificates helps, but another problem is that activating SSL not only generates warnings, but just break the site due to links to insecure resources. Just consider a case of old pages with a few youtube videos served using http iframes. Accessing those pages over https stops the videos from working as browsers blocks access to active insecure context. And in case of youtube one can fix that, but for other resources it may not be possible.
So what is required is ability to refer to insecure context from HTTPS pages without harming user experience.
For example, it should be a way to insert http iframe into https site. Similarly, it would be nice if a web-developer could refer to scripts, images etc. over http as long as the script/image tag is accompanied with a secure hash of known context.
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I see a big danger in the current trend. Expecting everyone having a free „secure“ certificate and being in requirement to enable HTTPS it will result in nothing won. DV certificates (similar to DANE) do finally say absolute nothing about the website operator.
They ensure encryption, so I can then be phished, be scammed, … encrypted. Big advantage!^^ Pushing real validation (e.g. EV with green adressbar and validated details by an independent third party, no breakable, spoofable automatism) vs. no validation is much more important and should be focussed on.
However, this „change“ could come with marking HTTP as Non-Secure, but just stating HTTPS as secure is the completely wrong sign and will result in more confusion and loosing any trust in any kind of browser padlocks than before.
Yes, unfortunately we have a collective action problem. ( But just because it's hard, doesn't mean we don't have try. I'd suggest that embedders ask embeddees to at least make HTTPS available, even if not the default.Also, keep in mind that this proposal is only to mark HTTP as non-secure — HTTP will still work, and you can still host your site over HTTP.
Is there a plan for HTTP to eventually have an interstitial, the way HTTPS with a bogus cert does?
If serving context over HTTPS generates broken pages, the insensitive of enabling encryption is very low.
As it was already mentioned, a solution to that is to allow to serve encrypted pages over HTTP so pages that refer to unencrypted elements would not break pages but just produces warnings. Such encrypted http:// also allows to generate less warnings for a page where all context is available over self-signed and key-pinned certificate as that solution is strictly more secure then a plain HTTP.
But, again, consider the definition of the origin. If it is possible for securely-transported code to run in the same context as non-securely transported code, the securely-transported code is effectively non-secure.
I.e. just consider that currently a hosting provider has no option to unconditionally encrypt pages they host for modern browsers as that may break pages of the users. With encrypted http:// they get such option delegating the job of fixing warnings about insecure context to the content producers as it should.
The main point of having a visible and stable indicator for encrypted
sites is to communicate to the user that the site offers a good degree
of resilience against the examination or modification of the exchanged
data by network attackers.
However, this „change“ could come with marking HTTP as Non-Secure, but just stating HTTPS as secure is the completely wrong sign and will result in more confusion and loosing any trust in any kind of browser padlocks than before.
Just a proposal:Mark HTTP as Non-Secure (similar to self-signed) e.g. with a red padlock or sth. similar.Mark HTTPS as Secure (and only secure in favor of encrypted) e.g. with a yellow padlock or sth. similarMark HTTPS with Extended Validation (encrypted and validated) as it is with a green padlock or sth. similar
I think there is a strong
impression that a closed lock is better than neutral, but a yellow
warning sign over the lock is worse than neutral.
From an SOP point of view, this is true.
However, it is increasingly less true if you're willing to ignore the (near cataclysmic) SOP failure, as EV gains technical controls such as certificate transparency and pontentially mandatory stronger security settings (e.g. secure ciphersuites in modern TLS, OCSP stapling, etc). Additionally, there are other technical controls (validity periods, key processing) that do offer distinction.
That is, it is not all procedural changes, and UAs can detect and differentiate. While the hope is that these will be able to apply to all sites in the future, any change of this scale takes time.
> If DNS is authentic, then DANE provides stronger assurances than DV or
> EV since the domain operator published the information and the
> veracity does not rely on others like CAs (modulo DBOUND).
> Not relying on a CA is a good thing since its usually advantageous to
> minimize trust (for some definition of "trust"). Plus, CAs don't
> really warrant anything, so its not clear what exactly they are
> providing to relying parties (they are providing a a signature for
> money to the applicant).
> Open question: do you think the browsers will support a model other
> than the CA Zoo for rooting trust?
Chromium has no plans for this, particularly those based on DNS/DANE, which are empirically less secure and more operationally fraught with peril. I would neither take it as foregone that the CA system cannot improve nor am I confident that any of the known alternatives are either practical or comparable in security to CAs, let alone superior.
That seems somewhat tangential to Chris' original proposal, and there
is probably a healthy debate to be had about this; it may be also
worthwhile to look at SPDY and QUIC. In general, if you're comfortable
with not providing users with a visible / verifiable degree of
transport security, I'm not sure how the proposal changes this?
If there is genuinely no distinction between plain old
HTTP and opportunistically encrypted HTTP, the scheme can be
immediately rendered useless by any active attacker