requestAutocomplete has been removed from Chrome

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Navarr Barnier

May 5, 2016, 2:50:03 PM5/5/16
to requestAutocomplete

I learned about this due to one of my Chromium bugs being closed as "WontFix"

Why on Earth has this feature been removed?  Lack of adoption?

Zach Koch

May 5, 2016, 3:40:11 PM5/5/16
to requestAutocomplete
Hi Navarr -

Yeah, requestAutocomplete just hasn't seen the adoption we'd hoped from either developers or other browser vendors. We're focusing our efforts on a new browser payment API, paymentRequest, which borrows a lot of ideas from rAc. We're developing paymentRequest in the W3C, so we'd love any feedback you have based on your experiences with rAc.



Navarr Barnier

May 5, 2016, 3:49:07 PM5/5/16
to requestAutocomplete
That's understandable.

I myself don't have any experience, but I do hope whomever else is part of this group will Chime in.

I did have a feature request open with Magento to include it in Magento2 - which would hopefully have lead to much better adoption, but they didn't prioritize it very high.
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