Requiring payment details for everything

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Alex MacCaw

Jan 24, 2014, 10:47:29 PM1/24/14
I've just implemented requestAutocomplete(), only requiring a email input.

    $form = $('<form>')
    $form.append($('<input type=email name=email autocomplete=email required>'))

However, the permissions dialog pops up with a credit card form. I can understand why you might want to collect all the information at once, but I think this will definitely be a deal breaker for many developers when choosing to implement requestAutocomplete().

For example, the service I'm building right now has a free trial, and doesn't require a credit card to signup. However, by forcing the credit card form to be present with requestAutocomplete() you're implying to the user that I need their credit card. Conversion rates are going to plummet! 

Please reconsider this functionality.



Dan Beam

Jan 27, 2014, 1:07:04 PM1/27/14
to Alex MacCaw,
Hey Alex,

requestAutocomplete() is a use-case specific API for now (geared toward gathering shipping/billing info for a purchase).  If you're just trying to get a user's email, why not use traditional Autofill (just make the form visible)?

Dan Beam

P.S. autocomplete="email" helps the browser determine this is an email field whether you use requestAutocomplete() or not.



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Alex MacCaw

Jan 27, 2014, 1:27:50 PM1/27/14
to Dan Beam,
Hi Dan,

Don't you think it would be great to use requestAutocomplete() for one click signups too? Improve conversion all round the board.

Sheridan Rawlins

Jan 27, 2014, 11:00:07 PM1/27/14
to Alex MacCaw, Dan Beam,
Please feel free to file a bug on - it may take quite a bit of time to rise above current priorities, but at least you'd have your suggestion entered.  Let us know the bug number and we'll be sure to categorize it appropriately against requestAutocomplete (Cr-UI-Browser-Autofill-Interactive).

Thanks again for your suggestion,


Evan Stade

Jan 28, 2014, 1:17:05 PM1/28/14
to Alex MacCaw, Dan Beam, requestautocomplete
Account creation is a possible usecase for the requestAutocomplete API, and it's one that's been considered by various groups in the past. A lot of the data a user might type during account creation (DOB, email, name, sex, etc.) already have autocomplete types specced, luckily, and password generation is an area we're interested in.

But Chrome currently only implements rAc for the payments flow. It's unlikely that we'd be able to reuse any of the current dialog for an account creation flow, as that would require a completely different state machine and UX. In general, we don't plan to support arbitrary fieldsets. For small forms, like just an email address, we think requestAutocomplete is a little heavyweight. Like Dan said, a normal webform with proper autocomplete= markup should work well (and degrade gracefully).

-- Evan Stade

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 10:27 AM, Alex MacCaw <> wrote:
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