Oct 4, 2022
No meeting this week.
Add any future discussion topics here.
Layout is falling behind on some security issues as of Friday evening.
P1 Bugs Exceeding Web Platform SLO
Open, Closed and Fixed
Total Open
Web Test Fail/Skipped Counts
The table below is derived from the actual test expectations for recent try bot runs: linux-blink-rel 80007, mac-11-blink-rel 7437, win10.20h2-blink-rel 3858. Counts include virtual test suites owned by the team or testing stable functionality.
wpt/editing was added to the counts.
All test failures:
Linux 3196 down 66
Mac 3407 down 63
Win 3155 down 60
Delta in the table below is the rounded average of the platforms.
Web Test Regressions and Status Changes
When triaging newly added tests, be sure to add necessary information to crbug.com and update the metadata at wpt.fyi.
Test Status Changes, maybe incorrect due to Windows failed test shard:
186 new Web tests (including relevant virtual suites)
2 Internal
2 Failing:
6 Skipped
external/wpt/editing/manual/* (6 tests)
Existing tests
86 Newly passing
external/wpt/css/css-color/ (68 tests)
external/wpt/css/css-grid/alignment/… (6 tests)
printing/block-with-overflow-in-bottom-aligned-fixedpos.html (+ virtual)
printing/fixed-positioned-headers-and-footers-larger-than-page.html (+ virtual)
printing/flexbox-with-overflow-in-bottom-aligned-fixedpos.html (+ virtual)
printing/multi-page-background.html (+ virtual)
printing/page-break-avoid.html (+ virtual)
10 new failures
external/wpt/css/css-images/gradient/gradient-eval-00[5,7,8,9].html (4 tests)
external/wpt/html/semantics/embedded-content/media-elements/loading-the-media-resource/… (3 tests)
Launch Test Status
Regressions are how many fail in the virtual suite while passing in the default.
Passing compares the virtual / default passing test counts.
Failing/Timeout compares virtual / default failing or timeout results
Skipped compares skipped count for virtual / default
backface-visibility-interop: Need to update tracking for linux only
controls-refresh-hc: Regressions 0, Passing 55 / 55, Failing/Timeout 0 / 0, Skipped 0 / 0
css-highlight-inheritance: Regressions 1, Passing 276/ 253, Failing/Timeout 34 / 57, Skipped 11 / 11
Percentage of NG Blocks over time, Windows 50th percentile, Stable and Dev
Stable steady at 99.27%
Dev steady at 99.26%
Reminder to add any performance wins to go/wp-perfy.
Nothing to report
Explored Stack Overflow:
When we fix a known common problem, the 2nd answer to the canonical question tends to be the newly launched solution, and it grows in votes to approach the old best answer. The second best answer also tends to be a popular old answer that was updated with the new technique.
Views of the canonical page for a problem tend to grow continuously, e.g. aspect-ratio, flex-gap