Questions about reclient usage

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Jaeyong Bae

Jan 16, 2024, 2:47:49 AM1/16/24
to reclient-users
This is Jay. I’m an external contributor to the Chromium project and using Goma(

The reason why I am reaching out to this group is that an issue occurred while migrating from Reclient to Goma according to the guidance

When trying to build after Reclient setup, I face the following error.
What should be done to solve this?

$ autoninja -C out/debug chrome 
Done. Made 41770 targets from 3409 files in 5998ms
Running gcloud auth print-access-token --trace-token=interactiveauth
E0116 15:08:04.840280  590277 bootstrap.go:158] Unable to start reproxy: "E0116 15:08:04.791732  590306 main.go:293] Failed to initialize remote-execution client: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = Permission \"remotebuildexecution.blobs.get\" denied on resource \"projects/rbe-chrome-untrusted/instances/default_instance\" (or it may not exist), authentication type (identity) used=\"external authentication token (gcert?)\"\n"

Additional question:
Can ( my chromium account also be invited into Reclient?

Thank you for the effort on the Chromium build infrastructure.

Best regards

Takuto Ikuta

Jan 16, 2024, 3:09:02 AM1/16/24
to Jaeyong Bae, reclient-users
Hi Jaeyong,

On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 4:47 PM Jaeyong Bae <> wrote:
This is Jay. I’m an external contributor to the Chromium project and using Goma(

The reason why I am reaching out to this group is that an issue occurred while migrating from Reclient to Goma according to the guidance

When trying to build after Reclient setup, I face the following error.
What should be done to solve this?

$ autoninja -C out/debug chrome 
Done. Made 41770 targets from 3409 files in 5998ms
Running gcloud auth print-access-token --trace-token=interactiveauth
E0116 15:08:04.840280  590277 bootstrap.go:158] Unable to start reproxy: "E0116 15:08:04.791732  590306 main.go:293] Failed to initialize remote-execution client: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = Permission \"remotebuildexecution.blobs.get\" denied on resource \"projects/rbe-chrome-untrusted/instances/default_instance\" (or it may not exist), authentication type (identity) used=\"external authentication token (gcert?)\"\n"

Additional question:
Can ( my chromium account also be invited into Reclient?

Thank you for the effort on the Chromium build infrastructure.

Best regards

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Jaeyong Bae

Jan 16, 2024, 4:03:01 AM1/16/24
to reclient-users,, reclient-users, Jaeyong Bae
Hi Takuto, 

Thanks for the response.
> ?

Yes, I did and checked `buildtools/reclient_cfgs` is generated after `gclient sync`.


2024년 1월 16일 화요일 오후 5시 9분 2초 UTC+9에 tik...@chromium.org님이 작성:

Takuto Ikuta

Jan 16, 2024, 4:06:46 AM1/16/24
to Jaeyong Bae, reclient-users
Hmm, that's strange.

What is the content of your .gclient file?

Takuto Ikuta

Jan 16, 2024, 4:21:06 AM1/16/24
to Jaeyong Bae, reclient-users

Hmm, what is the content of src/buildtools/reclient_cfgs/reproxy.cfg after running `gclient sync` again then?

On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 6:17 PM Jaeyong Bae <> wrote:
Here it is. `.gclient` file.


solutions = [


    "name": "src",

    "url": "",

    "managed": False,

    "custom_deps": {},

    "custom_vars": {

        "rbe_instance": "projects/rbe-chromium-untrusted/instances/default_instance",




target_os = ["android"]

2024년 1월 16일 (화) 오후 6:06, Takuto Ikuta <>님이 작성:
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