QUIC's_BUGs description

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Alexander Domian

Apr 25, 2022, 5:58:09 AM4/25/22
to QUIC Prototype Protocol Discussion group

we've recently encountered problem which is covered in QUICHE source code with QUIC_BUG_IF macro.

It seems that these bugs are filled in some internal, non-public system.

Namely I'm looking for quic_bug_12413_1 description, is it possible to see it somehow?

I there a way to get at least read-only access into that system? 



Ryan Hamilton

Apr 25, 2022, 3:09:51 PM4/25/22
to proto...@chromium.org
Ah, the argument to QUIC_BUG is merely a unique string that will show up in logs, so that if one of these checks fires we can easily figure out which check failed. There is no central catalog of these unique strings nor bugs associated with them. In any case, the check you're describing is here, right?

QUIC_BUG_IF(quic_bug_12413_1, incoming_stream_count_ > 0)
<< "non-zero incoming stream count " << incoming_stream_count_
<< " when setting max incoming stream to " << max_open_streams;

In any case, that is simply saying that it is an error to call SetMaxOpenIncomingStreams() when incoming_stream_count_ has already been assigned a non-zero value.



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Alexander Domian

Apr 26, 2022, 3:07:05 AM4/26/22
to QUIC Prototype Protocol Discussion group, r...@chromium.org
OK, I see...
Check is there and also description of the problem. But for me it means now that I have to find out how it can happen, when it is happening and unfortunately, it is happening very very rarely and it's hard to reproduce... :(


Dne pondělí 25. dubna 2022 v 21:09:51 UTC+2 uživatel r...@chromium.org napsal:

Ryan Hamilton

Apr 26, 2022, 1:31:56 PM4/26/22
to Alexander Domian, QUIC Prototype Protocol Discussion group
Yes, QUIC_BUG() is added to the code to document things which "must not happen". They will cause a crash in debug builds, for example. But the expectation is that they are invariants; they are things which never happen. I'm surprised you're seeing this, but yeah you'll have to figure out what is causing it to happen. :/ 
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