01org/ozone-wayland does not work with latest chrome v52

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Sep 12, 2016, 1:21:28 AM9/12/16
to Ozone-Dev
I'm trying build ozone-wayland with chrome v52 but some patches are not applying.
Also I followed instruction given in README at https://github.com/01org/ozone-wayland/
But I'm not able to sync the code due to permission error. But I'm able to download code using git clone.

I wanted to know status of ozone-wayland project. Is this working with latest chrome? v52?
I know it is working with meta-browser project but it uses chrome v45 which is older now.

Robert Kroeger

Sep 12, 2016, 1:22:51 PM9/12/16
to rbha...@nvidia.com, Ozone-Dev
The CrOS=true Wayland ozone Chrome should build from tot without patches. Various folk are trying to upstream the relevant code to support CrOS=false ozone-wayland Chrome. So, parts of it should still work. Maybe discuss on #ozone-wayland?


Hur, Joone

Sep 14, 2016, 6:44:15 PM9/14/16
to rbha...@nvidia.com, Ozone-Dev

Ozone-wayland is working with v49.
Currently, we don’t have any plan to rebase ozone-wayland on higher version of Chromium.
Instead, we’re working on upstreaming our project:

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Rahul Bhagwat

Sep 15, 2016, 5:23:05 AM9/15/16
to Hur, Joone, Ozone-Dev
I'm looking for chrome arm64 for linux. Is ozone-wayland work for this build?
Below project for ozone-wayland works for arm64 linux , it is using chrome v45 and v47.
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