Non-http3 traffic are so low

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Cheng Han

Aug 24, 2023, 9:37:24 PM8/24/23
to net-dev
Hi all,

We're using Cronet on Android to access HTTP/3 feature. But our current problem is the http1 requests sent by user are low compared to http3 and overall. Only 70% of requests are h3.

We've set the hint as per this post but it doesn't seem to be working.

Our host format is  ``, we're setting `` in the code. Would this be an issue?


Chidera Olibie

Aug 25, 2023, 9:03:52 AM8/25/23
to Cheng Han, net-dev
Hi Cheng,

I don't quite understand. Adding quicHints allows cronet to try to connect with h3 more eagerly, which is what you are seeing, re "70% of requests are h3". Are you saying you'd like this percentage to be higher?
or did you mean that 70% were h1?

Also the canonical suffixes list is specialised and hardcoded for now so wouldn't work for you. You can file a FR to allow adding to the canonical suffixes list, we'd have to investigate possible effects of allowing this.


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Cheng Han

Aug 25, 2023, 1:59:24 PM8/25/23
to Chidera Olibie, net-dev
Thanks Chidera for your response.

Sorry for the confusion.

Currently we have two types of http requests that are doing the experiment. These are uploading and downloading files via http requests.
For upload, we're seeing higher h3 usage, ~70% of requests, but for some file types are lower.
For download, overall we're seeing only ~50% of requests are h3, which is way lower than our expectations. 

If it's not h3, we use h1. The problem is Cronet's h1 is much slower than our current network stack (even though we're using h1, we do have some tunings to make it faster) which is affecting our overall latency metrics. Overall we're seeing 10% of latency regression for download side, and data suggests the main contribution is almost 50% of h1 usage, similar regression on upload side.

Our main blockers for using Cronet is the low usage of h3. We'd expect generally the h3 usage should be around 90% in hope that it would offsite some of the regression that is brought by h1 requests.

Also the canonical suffixes list is specialised and hardcoded for now so wouldn't work for you. You can file a FR to allow adding to the canonical suffixes list

Would you mind elaborate on why it's not working for me? Do you mean the canonical suffixes list mentioned in this link( only works for google/youtube, it wont work for developers who want to list own canonical suffixes list?  For developers that would want to use QUIC for the very first request, does Cronet expect full hostname for now?

I submitted an issue for this please let me know if it's not the FR as you mentioned above.

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