I am trying to link against a library in third party that is compiled and .a|.so generated with an action target (this library was using a meson build system so I created an action script to generate the lib).
I got it to work by providing `lib_dirs` that point to the path where the library is put after compilation and then using `libs` directive to tell GN to link against the library name.
The problem with this approach is that when I specify `lib_dirs`, another library that was already being linked with the target stops working i.e. symbol lookups for this existing/previously used library stops working.
Again, I got this to work by adding another entry in `lib_dirs` pointing to the path where this system library is installed but this seems fragile since this system library might be installed in a different path in a different arch/setup.
(Aside: Specifying `lib_dirs` causing other libs to break seems like a bug in GN?).
What is the recommended way of linking against a generated third party lib?
Appreciate the guidance here.