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FLEDGE Bidding and Auction services availability in Chrome and Android

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Kevin Lee

Feb 9, 2023, 5:23:58 PM2/9/23
to FLEDGE API announcements

Hello FLEDGE testers, 

As FLEDGE adoption continues to grow and scale, we recently launched a collection of new optimizations to help improve on-device auction latency. In addition to these improvements, we will be expanding support for the Bidding and Auction services to the web platform.

The Bidding and Auction services integrate with existing FLEDGE designs and offload bid computation and scoring to a cloud-based trusted execution environment. 

We will continue to support on-device auctions, and the use of the Bidding and Auction Services is not required unless it fits your use cases.

Learn more about the Bidding and Auction services availability from the blog post:

If you have any questions or comments, reply to this post or open an issue in the Privacy Sandbox Dev Support repository on GitHub

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