To reflect the Protected Audience name change, Private Aggregation API will contain the following breaking changes in the M115 Stable release:
The reporting endpoint is changed from /.well-known/private-aggregation/report-fledge to /.well-known/private-aggregation/report-protected-audience
The api property value of the aggregatable report payload is changed from fledge to protected-audience
You must update your code to ensure that the Private Aggregation API continues to work with the Protected Audience API. Users in an outdated Chrome instance will still send their report to the legacy endpoint, so you should ensure backward compatibility to collect all reports.
The new endpoint and api property value will be available for testing on Monday, May 22nd in M115 Canary and Dev channels.
If you have any questions or comments, reply to this post or open an issue in the Privacy Sandbox Dev Support repository on GitHub.