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Private Aggregation 100 contributions per report for Protected Audience callers

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Dan McArdle

Oct 16, 2024, 12:25:47 PM10/16/24
to FLEDGE API announcements

Hi, folks!

Starting in M131, we are raising the maximum number of contributions for Protected Audience callers from 20 to 100 contributions per report. Shared Storage callers are unaffected. This should increase utility for Protected Audience callers, since they lose any excess contributions when the auction ends.

Due to padding, reports generated for Protected Audience callers will always have larger payloads, even if the caller made fewer than 100 contributions. We expect that these larger reports will increase the cost of operating the Aggregation Service. This feature should not impact how you call the API or process the reports.

This change will be included in the upcoming Chrome 131 Beta release.

If you have any questions or comments, reply to this post or open an issue in the Privacy Sandbox Dev Support repository on GitHub.
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