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Would the extra work of writing a base wrapper around
absl::FunctionRef be helpful here? Both for developer education, and
maybe to fit in raw_ptr use.
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I'm working on writing this up, but I'm not entirely sure how to resolve the OnceCallback / RepeatingCallback -> FunctionRef implicit conversion.FunctionRef doesn't have any notion of how many times it can run; does that mean we should only allow an implicit conversion from RepeatingCallback?
If we don't do this, should we add something like RepeatingCallbackRef/OnceCallbackRef?
If we had operator() rather than Run it would just work for RepeatingCallback. Otherwise, it's of course possible to adapt, like:[&callback](auto&& args...) { std::move(callback).Run(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...); }and the same without std::move for RepeatingCallback. (Or a version without template voodoo if you know the concrete types involved. We could provide a helper function or conversion operator if we wished. In any case I don't think this confines callers from using callbacks.On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 5:25 PM K. Moon <km...@chromium.org> wrote:If we don't do this, should we add something like RepeatingCallbackRef/OnceCallbackRef?How would this be different from a normal reference to RepeatingCallback/OnceCallback?
On Fri, Jun 17, 2022 at 10:48 AM Jeremy Roman <jbr...@chromium.org> wrote:If we had operator() rather than Run it would just work for RepeatingCallback. Otherwise, it's of course possible to adapt, like:[&callback](auto&& args...) { std::move(callback).Run(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...); }and the same without std::move for RepeatingCallback. (Or a version without template voodoo if you know the concrete types involved. We could provide a helper function or conversion operator if we wished. In any case I don't think this confines callers from using callbacks.On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 5:25 PM K. Moon <km...@chromium.org> wrote:If we don't do this, should we add something like RepeatingCallbackRef/OnceCallbackRef?How would this be different from a normal reference to RepeatingCallback/OnceCallback?It should be different in the same way FunctionRef is different or it's not adding anything.
This class is suitable for use wherever a "const std::function<>&"
would be used without making a copy. ForEach functions and other versions of
the visitor pattern are a good example of when this class should be used.
FWIW, the absl::FunctionRef documentation has this to say:This class is suitable for use wherever a "const std::function<>&"
would be used without making a copy. ForEach functions and other versions of
the visitor pattern are a good example of when this class should be used.So only supporting RepeatingCallback might not be that bad an outcome. I'm sure there are cases where a OnceCallback would be useful (boilerplate wrapper, I guess), but probably much rarer.On Fri, Jun 17, 2022 at 8:56 AM K. Moon <km...@chromium.org> wrote:I think base::*Callback& would require a heap allocation, while base::*CallbackRef wouldn't? I thought this was the key motivation behind supporting something like this in the first place.
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I agree, but I think danakj@'s arguments are that:1. It shouldn't be hard to adapt an existing OnceCallback/RepeatingCallback to a signature that only takes a FunctionRef.2. It's useful to capture the once vs. repeating distinction in the type system, just as we do with *Callback.std::function and absl::FunctionRef are unconcerned with (2), so if that's important, I don't think absl::FunctionRef satisfies our requirements. In which case, the question is whether that requirement is useful for the situations that absl::FunctionRef is appropriate. (As a thought experiment, I do wonder now if some sort of Once<std::function<foo()>> or std::function<Once<foo()>> wrapper would be able to express the same requirements.)(1) possibly is not that valuable, since the whole point of an API taking a FunctionRef is to avoid the overhead of *Callback. It should be easy to adapt this case, but also inconvenient enough to perhaps encourage a better design, so I don't think this is as critical as (2).
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