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Temporary unavailability of Google Argon CT logs on March 3 2023

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Geta Sampemane

Mar 13, 2023, 1:40:54 PM3/13/23
to Certificate Transparency Policy


Google Argon logs were temporarily unavailable during 10:30-noon Pacific time on Friday 3 March 2023. The cause was reduced availability of the underlying database, resulting in increased latency and errors on a large fraction of requests. This also resulted in no STHs for the Argon logs issued for about an hour during that period. No database corruption occurred, and all SCTs issued have been integrated as expected.

Full service was restored by noon.

The Google Xenon logs operate on separate infrastructure and were unaffected.

We apologise for the inconvenience, and for the delay sending this out.


Geta for the Google CT team

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