PSA: New crosvm repository and CI

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Dennis Kempin

Jul 13, 2022, 5:01:01 PM7/13/22
Hi all,

We will be moving upstream crosvm development to a new repository and CI system.

Starting tomorrow, Thursday Jul 15th, the main repository of crosvm will be:

Changes submitted will be tested by a Luci CQ, with the same workflow as ChromeOS projects (i.e. setting CQ+1 or CQ+2). 

Changes can be uploaded to the upstream repository using `./tools/cl upload`. Please make sure to git fetch/rebase after the switch to get the latest version of that tool (It will update your remote if needed).

Changes to the main branch of the old repository will be rejected by gerrit.

Important: You probably have pending changes to be submitted to the old repository, please re-upload them and ask a crosvm OWNER to re-approve.

I will be making the switch tomorrow ~11am. If you encounter problems, please rant in the crosvm chat space or file a bug at go/crosvm-infra-bug. If you find outdated documentation, please let me know as well. 

More details at: go/crosvm-luci-design

Thank you!
- Dennis

Dennis Kempin

Jul 14, 2022, 1:55:03 PM7/14/22
Hi all,

Just a reminder, the switch is happening now. Submissions to chromiumos/crosvm/crosvm will be disabled.

Please let me know in go/crosvm-chat or go/crosvm-infra-bug if you are encountering problems. 

Hopefully Luci will serve us well! 

Thank you!
- Dennis
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